Effects of World War I
Essential Question: What were the effects of World War I? Slides to copy Plus unmarked slides Green type
Deadliest WWI Battles Battle of Verdun- February – July 1916 Longest Battle in War Germans and French lose around 300,000 men each Germans gained 4 miles Battle of the Somme- July-November 1916 British relieve pressure on the French 57,000 British die in the 1st day 1.5 million men overall British gain 5 miles
Why was the loss of life so high? Generals used old tactics Frontal assaults > over the top Weapons were modern Machine guns Barbed wire Big Berthas (artillery)
Tanks 1916 by British Move through ‘no man’s land’
Tanks cont’d
Airplanes Flying Aces
Airplanes cont’d Frank Luke: The Balloon Buster Albert Ball The Red Baron
Airplanes cont’d Zeppelins Bombed England
Poisonous Gas Used in 1915 1st by Germans Main types of gas: Chlorine Mustard Phosgene
Poison Gas cont’d Chlorine gas used first damaged eyes, nose, throat and lungs Mustard gas was the most effective Caused sores and burns induced bleeding in the lungs Phosgene Deadliest Gas – 85% deaths Odorless, colorless, delayed death from suffocation.
Poison Gas cont’d Gas masks were unreliable “I suppose I resembled a kind of fish with my mouth open gasping for air. It seemed as if my lungs were gradually shutting up and my heart pounded away in my ears like the beat of a drum…. To get air into my lungs was real agony.”
Mustard Gas "I wish those people who talk about going on with this war whatever it costs could see the soldiers suffering from mustard gas poisoning. Great mustard-colored blisters, blind eyes, all sticky and stuck together, always fighting for breath, with voices a mere whisper, saying that their throats are closing and they know they will choke."
In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. By John McCrea
How did the Versailles Treaty Help Cause World War II?
Paris Peace Talks: The Big Four Prime Minister of Great Britain, David Lloyd George (#1 Power) French Premier Georges Clemenceau (revenge) US President Woodrow Wilson (idealism) Italian Premier Vittorio Orlando (territory) Germany and Russia excluded
Treaty of Versailles War Guilt Clause (Art. 231) Germany solely responsible for starting war and destruction Reparations to be paid by Germany = $56 billion
Treaty of Versailles Germany was stripped of colonies Germany lost Saar Basin (returned by plebiscite 1935), Posen, parts of Schleswig and Silesia and Alsace-Lorraine German disarmament
New nations & problems created Italy's 200,000 persons non-Italians German speaking populations in Poland & Czechoslovakia Polish Corridor
New nations & problems created Russian loss of territory Japan given Shantung, China British & French Mandates in Middle East
Did not deal with did not address issues that caused the war reduction in arms trade barriers
League of Nations Wilson’s idea to resolve world conflict without war
Immediate Effects of World War I Generation of European men killed or wounded Fall of the German, Russsian, & Austrian Empires New Countries Created League of Nations
Long Term Effects Changed nature of war > total war World War II War on Civilians World War II Nationalism Intensified Rise of Totalitarian Dictatorships