JROTC/ROTC & Service Academies Sons of the American Revolution JROTC/ROTC & Service Academies Award Program
Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard The Alabama Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard
WHO ARE THE “SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION” (SAR)? Non-Profit, Patriotic, Educational, Fraternal, Lineage Organization. Through Genealogical Research, male members trace their family blood lines to ancestors that fought or contributed to the cause 0f freedom and liberty in the American Revolution. SAR is a patriotic, historical, and educational organization that seeks to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, an appreciation of true patriotism and respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and the unifying force of “e pluribus unum”. Constitution Day, Flag Day and Bill of Rights Day were all established through SAR efforts. Youth education is very important to SAR.
BRIEF HISTORY OF SAR Founded in April 1889, on the one hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington as our 1st President. Federal legislation established Charter for National Society, SAR, permitting State level societies to establish Chapters within their borders. There are 16 Chapters in Alabama. Nationally there over 33,000 members representing all 50 States, as well as Societies in Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The SAR was conceived as a fraternal and civic society composed of lineal descendants of the patriots who wintered at Valley Forge, signed the Declaration of Independence, fought in battles of the American Revolution or otherwise supported the cause of American Independence.
SAR YOUTH EDUCATION/AWARD PROGRAMS SAR supports a number of educational programs which have awards and scholarships attached to them. A list of these youth recognition programs can be found on our web site under the Youth Education drop down menu. Other information of value for history educators can be found on our web page, www.sar.org, to include DVDs, lesson plans and other links to American Revolution period history web sites. A daily chronology of events during the American Revolution entitled “The American Patriotic Chronology” jointly published by Jack Manning, the National Society’s Historian and the Alabama Society SAR can also accessed on our State web site via blog.alssar.org.
JROTC/ROTC AWARDS The SAR honors JROTC & ROTC Cadets via its Medals and Awards program. These programs are designed for the Senior Military Instructor to recognize outstanding Cadet Achievements. The basic program consists of a JROTC Bronze Medal and uniform ribbon that is normally awarded at the schools “end of year” awards program. The Senior Military Instructor selects the “Best Cadet” who fosters the principal of the Citizen Soldier, exemplified by the Minuteman of the Revolutionary War days. The Medal, Ribbon and Certificate are usually presented to the Cadet by a State Society Chapter member. Let the Society Chapter sponsor know when the award presentation is scheduled. The SAR purchases the Medal package. A similar award is presented to the University level ROTC Outstanding Cadet – the Silver ROTC Medal.
THE OUTSTANDING JROTC CADET MEDALLION AND SCHOLARSHIP (ENHANCED AWARD) There is a more prized award available for the JROTC, 3RD year Cadet – The JROTC Outstanding Cadet Medallion Award. Very competitive, requires an essay, student must be in top of their class, involved in extracurricular activities and package must be submitted before Jan 1. - Rewards can be great! 2013 NATIONAL SOCIETY WINNER CADET LT. COL. VICTORIA OFFEI-DUA HUNTSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, ALABAMA
OUTSTANDING JROTC CADET MEDALLION AWARD Cadet must write 500 to 700 word essay (no more – no less). Essay subject - - “How the JROTC prepared me to be a better citizen of the United States of America.” Grammar, spelling, content, etc. - All count. CONSIDER THIS - Some JROTC programs require an essay in their curriculum. Why not assign this essay at the beginning of the school year to all Cadets? The Junior level Cadet must be in top 25% of their class and a Principal’s letter must accompany the package specifically stating this. Cadet must also be in top 10% of JROTC Class and a letter from the Senior JROTC Instructor stating the same must accompany the package.
OUTSTANDING JROTC CADET MEDALLION (CON’T) Involvement in outside activity is also important. If a Cadet is selected to be the National winner, our National Society will provide an award of $2000 and up to $1000 in reimbursable travel expenses to travel to our National Congress (this year it was in Boston). There are 2nd and 3rd place award monies also (2nd place $1000 and 3rd place $500). In summary, we want to honor our Nation’s future leaders, but we need your help. This is only one of the many programs (see other youth recognition programs on our Society web site https://www.sar.org/education/youth-contests-awards/sar-youth-awards-program-brochure. We feel this is one of the more important recognition efforts for them and we thank and salute you for all for what you do to mold our youth in these trying times.