Friday 1/13/17 Notebook Entry: There is a brand new reality TV show called “Copper Capers” that challenges people to find copper! The goal is to be the first to discover a new deposit of copper. The prize is $10 million to the person who finds the largest deposit of copper. You take on the challenge and use your knowledge of where copper forms to go in search of copper to win the big $$$$ prize. Question: Where in the world would you first go look first? Why would you go look here? Be sure to included the scientific reason why this place would be a likely spot to form copper.
What are the similarities between the maps?
Research Question: Why is copper only found in certain parts of the world? What is your answer to this question? (Claim?) Rubric Statement: My claim correctly identifies the relationship between the formation of copper and where it is located. The claim should be no longer than two sentences. Don’t include evidence or reasoning.
What RELEVANT evidence do you have? Closely connected to your claim Supports your claim – gives “proof” Makes your argument stronger Make sure your statements are detailed and specific. Include examples from the maps Multiple pieces of evidence Rubric Statement: I use relevant, scientific evidence to support my claim and I clearly describe the evidence.
Scientific Reasoning – What connects it all together? Rubric Statement: My reasoning restates the evidence and links it to the claim. I include a scientific principle to explain how the evidence links to the claim. Clearly state how the different pieces of evidence are connected/related to each other. Clearly explain the scientific knowledge that shows how the evidence is connected to the claim.
Porphyry Copper Deposits The subduction of oceanic crust results in making hot water solutions that eventually harden near the surface forming mineral deposits like copper.
Sediment-Hosted Copper Deposits Water seeps into the ground and pulls Copper (CU) elements from the rock.
Review and edit your work Check each box of C.E.R. to see if what you wrote fits with the description in the proficient box of the grading rubric? Make changes if you think it is necessary. Staple your C.E.R. to the front of the Copper Investigation Packet and turn in before you leave. If you finish early please quietly read or work on other homework.