Near-Real-Time Data Collection at WDCA: Why & What Fiebig, M. et al. WDCA at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Implementing the Digital Agenda: Copernicus Source: Alessandro Annoni, JRC
Source: Vincent-Henri Peuch, ECMWF
Source: Vincent-Henri Peuch, ECMWF
Source: Vincent-Henri Peuch, ECMWF
New Operational Atmospheric Composition Air Quality Products CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) AOD product:
New Operational Atmospheric Composition Air Quality Products CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) PM2.5 forecast product: GAW surface in situ aerosol data for validation, not assimilation. Data needs to be available in NRT!!! Delayed validation for academic purposes only Non-NRT data has much less impact on result.
Source: Astrid-Christina Koch, Copernicus
Source: Astrid-Christina Koch, Copernicus
Metrological Traceability: Surface In Situ Data’s Unique Selling Point “property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement uncertainty” (Definition of metrological traceability according to JCGM200:2012 International vocabulary of metrology – Basic and general concepts and associated terms) Many (most?) surface in situ aerosol observations are traceable already, and more will be. Traceable data are the only means to discover systematic biases in an absolute sense. Motivation: Hugely increased visibility, both for GAW and for station. Good arguments for sustained funding.
GAW Aerosol’s NRT Network: Current Status 32 stations 52 instruments
GAW Aerosol’s NRT Network: Possible Status 75 stations 110 instruments
Measures to Realise NRT Potential in GAW Aerosol Convince people: Station PIs need to be convinced that additional visibility is worth the extra effort in maintaining NRT data stream. NRT data delivery is an investment in a station’s future. Provide Tools for Participating: NOAA software package ACTRIS modular DAQ software Ensure Visibility of Station and Network: Means of acknowledgement in operational products not defined yet. Resistance of operational service providers to acknowledge data sources.
NRT DAQ Software Packages NOAA software package: Comprehensive, covers numerous instruments (ECOTECH & TSI neph, aethalometer, MAAP, PSAP, CPCs), acquisition, online display, QA workflow, normal & NRT reporting. ACTRIS: Volunteers write stand-alone software for single instruments to share Can be adapted to local workflow. Instrument Responsible TSI 3563 nephelometer NILU (ready!) ECOTECH nephelometer U. Crete MAAP TROPOS Magee AE31 NILU Magee AE33 Radiance Res. PSAP TROPOS SMPS Custom DMPS / SMPS Stations themselves
Measures to Realise NRT Potential in GAW Aerosol Convince people: Station PIs need to be convinced that additional visibility is worth the extra effort in maintaining NRT data stream. NRT data delivery is an investment in a station’s future. Provide Tools for Participating: NOAA software package ACTRIS modular DAQ software Ensure Visibility of Station and Network: Means of acknowledgement in operational products not defined yet. Resistance of operational service providers to acknowledge data sources.
Operational Services: What’s In It For The Station? Success for ACTRIS-ESFRI: ACTRIS-ESFRI will establish ACTRIS (stations & facilities) as permanent infrastructure. Will be successful only if relevant (for digital agenda / Copernicus) Funding & Visibility at national level: Your national funding agency can demonstrate they are contributing to Copernicus (with your station) Increased chances of getting national funding on ACTRIS ticket. Visibility: Work towards visibility of network and station in final product.
2 Routes For Data Submission Regular, annual submission: Submission of annual dataset by 30 June the following year. Data shall have highest level of QA possible. Dataset assembled by data originator, because detail knowledge resides here. Near-Real-Time Data Submission: Submission shall be collected and disseminated within max. 3 hours of measurement. Compromise on data quality due to auto-processing accepted. Alert service for provider if instrument “misbehaves”. Central data processing to ensure uniform dataset and implement alert service.
NRT data collection flow chart automatic feedback Sub-network data centre: auto-creates hourly data files (level 0). initiates auto-upload to NRT server. FTP transfer to data centre Station: collects raw data in custom format transfer Data Centre: check for correct data format (level 0). check whether data stays within specified boun- daries (sanity check). FTP transfer to data centre Station: auto-creates hourly data files (level 0). initiates auto-upload to NRT server. automatic feedback User access (restricted) via web-interface: Processing to level 1.5 Processing to level 1 EBAS database User access via machine-to-machine web-service Hourly level 1 data file Hourly level 1.5 data file
Increasing the number of NRT stations and instruments Follow-up on stations that have NRT upload procedures ready. Take one instrument type at a time, focus first on nephelometers, then absorption photometers, then MPSS. Within ACTRIS WP3, we should provide & share DAQ software that: collects data from instrument displays incoming data graphically, writes data to hard drive in level 0 format uploads hourly level 0 files to NRT account at NILU. auto-start of the software, e.g. after a power failure. Need volunteers to write, provide, and maintain such software!!!