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TBALL PARENT INFORMATIONAL PACKET SUMMER 2017 City of Greeley Culture, Parks & Recreation Department
INTRODUCTION Staff Andrea Haring, Recreation Supervisor 336-4219 Jerod Cronquist, Recreation Coordinator 350-9445 Morgan Thompson, Recreation Coordinator 970-9428 Field Supervisors: Jacob Fischenich & Samantha Calderon Summer Teen Employment Program Employees: Assists Field Supervisors. Identifiable by matching colored t-shirts Season Dates June 5 – July 27 *Six games scheduled, four games guaranteed due to inclement weather Practice: Mondays (M/W leagues) & Tuesdays (T/TH leagues) Monfort Park Games: Wednesdays (M/W leagues) & Thursdays (T/TH leagues) Twin Rivers Complex at Family Fun Plex Pheasant Run Park
CPRD- Coaches Development “Our vision is to create an atmosphere to support our youth within the community by training volunteers and parents in the following aspects: (1) effective role model engagement, (2) developmental education, (3) positive tactic reinforcement techniques, and (4) specific intentional interaction to support youth from a developmental perspective.”
Four Pillars of Successful Youth Development Continued Education We must understand crucial principles of youth development to support their overall growth as an individual through consistent offered education provided by the City of Greeley. Positive Role Model Parents and coaches must persistently be engaged in tactics exemplifying positive leadership and utilizing their actions as teaching techniques to be absorbed by the youth within our community. Positive Effective Reinforcement Through positive reinforcement tactics we will further build self-esteem within our youth perpetuating a better understanding on how to deal with adversity. Enriched Involvement We will express the benefits of true enriched involvement through the community by developing youth sport skills, but more importantly an attitude that will help them succeed as young adults throughout their lifetime.
IMPORTANT DATES Pictures (team and individual) Monday, June 20 & Tuesday, June 21 Monfort Park-before/after practice…please read picture schedule closely (coaches will give to you’re your first day of practice) Games Begin Wednesday/Thursday, June 15 or 16…depending on division schedule Family FunPlex-Twin Rivers (1501 65 Ave.) Pheasant Run Park (W. 3rd Street) Rockies Baseball Skills Challenge (see attached flyer) June 12 & 13: 5-7 pm During practice at Monfort Park. *4 & 5 yr. olds are welcome to compete, only 6 & 7 yr. old scores will be submitted to the Colorado Rockies, as this is the age requirement. The City of Greeley will award top finishers in the 4 & 5 yr. old competition. All ages are encouraged to come and compete!!!
GENERAL INFORMATION (cont.) Practice Equipment Please have the children bring the following to practice: Water Sunscreen Mosquito Spray Glove All the bats, balls, Tees and batting helmets will be provided by the Recreation Department. *Youth can wear rubber cleats or tennis shoes *Youth will need to wear a youth sports jersey on game days-can be purchased at Garretson’s or GoJo’s THE CULTURE, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT WILL SUPPLY T-BALL HATS FOR ALL YOUTH
GENERAL INFORMATON (cont.) Game Days Games shall not be more than five innings or 1 hour No new inning may start after 50 minutes Please help us by clearing the field immediately after your team’s game as adult softball starts at 6 pm! *Learning and improving with an emphasis on sportsmanship shall be the primary purpose of the t-ball program and takes priority over winning. Communicate the enjoyment of the sport, not the score. Allow each and every participant equal playing time and opportunity to participate.
GENERAL INFORMATION Rain Outs Game Days - Recreation Staff will decide on field and weather conditions. Coaches will receive an email from Team Sideline and a news item will be posted on Team Sideline. Parents, coaches will not be calling players parents to notify of canceled games. Please subscribe to teamsideline.com/greeley so you will know asap if your child is playing on inclement weather days. Practices - up to coaches, unless the fields are unplayable. If unplayable Recreation Staff will contact coaches through TeamSideline Note: Parents can make personal decisions for their child. Please visit Teamsideline to sign up for alerts on cell phone.
TeamSideline (www.teamsideline.com/greeley) Greeley Recreation Text Alert Setup Let's say you are on the way to the game and there is a last minute schedule change. The answer? Sign up for Text Alerts so Greeley Recreation can text you a last minute cancellation. Step 1: Input your Mobile Number and Carrier then click the Send a code to my phone button. This will send an activation code to the mobile number you have provided. TeamSideline will not use your number for marketing. This number will only be used to send you a text message from Greeley Recreation. Carrier charges may apply.
TeamSideline (www.teamsideline.com/greeley) Greeley Recreation Text Alert Setup Let's say the weather is a bit unfavorable and you are wondering if games have been cancelled. The answer? Sign up for Text Alerts from TeamSideline.
Team Sideline (continued) Highly encourage! Don’t be that parent who is not in the “know” !