Welcome to Open House Night Mrs. Elliott & Ms. Cassan Fifth Grade August 10, 2017
An Introduction We are enjoying getting to know your children—what a sweet and engaging group! Our goal is to provide a positive, challenging, productive learning environment and to have fun while doing it!!
Contact Information Kristie Elliott Kristie.Elliott@cobbk12.org Caroline Cassan Caroline.Cassan@cobbk12.org School: 770-916-7085 ext 2040
A Little Bit about Mrs. Elliott Auburn University- December of 2006- Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education American College of Education- December of 2011- Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction I got married 8 years ago to Chase. We reside in Kennesaw, GA. We have a Cockapoo Puppy named Buddy Boo and Rotwieler Lab Mix puppy named Millie Moo. I attended Cobb County schools while growing up in Marietta and graduated from Pope! Teaching is my passion and joy in life! This is my 11th year teaching.
The Elliotts
Teaching Philosophy “Encourage the timid, help the weak, challenge the strong, and be patient with everyone.”
A Little Bit about Ms. Cassan Kennesaw State University- Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education Georgia College and State University- Master’s Degree in Special Education This is my 4th year teaching. I love co-teaching! I’m getting married on June 2, 2018!
Ms. Cassan
BYOD BYOD Presentation Please Sign Parent Permission
Daily Game Plan 7:15-8:00 Arrival, Unpack, snack out, unfinished work, morning work, announcements 8:00-8:15 Town Hall Meeting, check HW and review 8:15-9:05 Specials 9:05-9:15 Snack and Read Aloud 9:15-10:30 Math 10:30-11:05 Science/Social Studies 11:09-11:39 Lunch 11:40-12:00 Grammar/Spelling 12:00-12:25 Recess 12:25-2:05 Language Arts, Reading, and Writing 2:05-2:10 Pack up, homework 2:20 Dismissal
Communication This is the KEY to your child’s success! We are a TEAM! Agendas should be checked nightly. Blog: www.cobblearning.net/mrselliott Graded papers and flyers will go home on Fridays in the BLUE folder The RED folder is for Homework and will come home every night Email us with any questions Kristie.Elliott@cobbk12.org and Caroline.Cassan@cobbk12.org Remember to send in a written note when your child is absent! Please use the form on the school website
Transportation All transportation changes must require a written note. Students are never tardy if they ride the bus. Make sure that your child has given the bus driver the “Safe Driver Contract”.
Classroom Management Clips: Individual tracking of good choices ELLEBUCKS: Money System that promotes good choices, hard work & treating others kindly Treasure Tickets: For each $25 ELLEBUCKS they earn, they can cash it in for a ticket Team Building: Cooperative grouping uses peer motivation and cooperation. Each team has the opportunity to clip up. They are trying to reach earn ELLEBUCKS or treasure tickets.
5th Grade Fun Science Fair SCNN Stock Market Game Safety Patrol Book Buddies Field Day Chaperones/Softball Game 5th Grade Pool Party 5th Grade Picnic
Field Trips Atlanta History Museum- September Lois Ruby, author of Steal Away Home- October Jekyll Island- November 29th- December 1st Bremen Museum- March Superior Court House- May
5th Grade Curriculum Specials (STEM, MUSIC, PE, ART) Math Reading ELA Writing, Grammar Skills Spelling Speaking, Listening Science and Social Studies (often integrated with ELA/Reading)
Novel Studies
Improving Comprehension Skills Students will actively learn and use specific comprehension strategies: Summarization Making an inference Point of View Author’s Purpose Making Mental Pictures Identifying Cause & Effect Compare and Contrast Using text features
Writing our Way Through 5th Grade Narrative, Opinion, Informational Many “quick” writes Across the curriculum…math, social studies, and science Ideas, Organization, Conventions and Sentence Fluency, Style (Voice and Word Choice) Spelling: Words Their Way
Math Critical Areas: Integrating decimal and fractions into the place value system and developing understanding of operations with decimals to thousandths Extending multiplication to 3-digit by 2-digit factors Extending division to 2-digit divisors Fractions: Developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, and developing understanding of the multiplication and division of fractions Developing fluency with whole number and decimal operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) Developing an understanding of measurement and volume
Science Constructive/Destructive Forces Matter Chemical and Physical Changes Electricity and Magnetism Plant and Animal Cells Microorganisms Classification of Plants & Animals
Social Studies Effective Citizenship Civil War & Reconstruction Westward Movement Immigration WWI, Jazz Age, and Great Depression WWII, Cold War, Vietnam Economics Civil Rights Modern America & Technology
5th Grade 90-100: A 80-89: B 74-79: C 70-73: D
Grades Report Cards will be sent home four times a year (9 weeks in each quarter) Parent Vue - you may view your child’s grades at any time -grades will be numeric
Homework Expectations 5th Graders should be reading five days a week! Math- Daily homework of concept taught that day will be assigned to reflect mastery from students Spelling- Choice board given on Monday & due Friday Grammar- usually given on Tuesday nights Science/Social Studies reading passage- usually given on Wednesday nights Projects- All projects will be assigned well in advanced and will most likely always incorporate some in class work time Study guides for tests will be given about a week ahead of test date.
“Nuts and Bolts” No students will be dismissed from class AFTER 1:45. Visitors MUST sign in; it’s the law! No “drop-offs”! (homework, Target bags, book bags, etc.) The only exceptions are eyeglasses, lunches, and medications. Remember to send a written excuse for absences (an easy-to-use form can be found on the school blog). Birthday treats: Please give me notice and keep it simple.
Please save nurse Beasley’s phone number in your phone! Selena Beasley, LPN Sope Creek Elementary 770-916-7093
Counselor Classroom Assignments Jennifer Frederick: 1st Grade 2nd Grade 5th Grade (Bentley, Paden, Rabil, Wyckoff) Lisa Hunt K 4th Grade 5th Grade (Carter, Elliott/Cassan, Rowlett/Brown, Weatherby) Claire Murphy: 3rd Grade Special Education
Testing IOWAS- September Georgia Milestones- April Norms-based achievement testing Georgia Milestones- April Georgia standards-based standardized testing
Volunteer Opportunities Boosterthon PVS Special Visitor (every other week) Holiday Party Candy Jar donations Classroom Project donations THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!!!!!!
Parent Volunteer Sub Training You will be provided with a schedule and plans for the timeframe. Teacher collaboration times will overlap either specials or lunch time. You do not need to introduce new material or assign grades. Emergency folder by the door. Check for allergies in the classroom. It is possible to get pulled for another classroom if there isn’t coverage. Please sign the sheet to say you are trained. Primary Responsibilities of Volunteers: Keep the students safe. Do not take them outside. Only release students when called from the front office. You are a mandated reporter. If you see any signs of abuse, please tell the teacher. Support if there are disruptive students and call the office if you need help. (Ext. 037)
Boosterthon Our biggest fundraiser Fully funds the PTA budget Provides enrichment opportunities for ALL Sope Creek Students! Focus on FITNESS, LEADERSHIP, & CHARACTER Kick Off Starts, Monday August 14th!
August 21st Eclipse Cobb County School District has extended the school day by 45 minutes on August 21st. Students will only be permitted to go outside to observe the eclipse if they have written permission from a parent. Students without written permission will watch a live broadcast of the eclipse from NASA. Our PTA has purchased NASA approved eclipse viewing glasses for all students at Sope Creek Elementary. Parents are welcome to join us, but will need to provide their own eclipse viewing glasses. We will follow regular dismissal procedures. Students will not be dismissed from the front office after 1:45 pm.
Thank You We love your kids and have had such a great time starting to get to know them! Consider leaving your child a sweet note.