Biology GCSE (9-1) Gateway J247 B1 Cell level systems B2 Scaling up B3 Organism level systems B4 Community level systems B5 Genes, inheritance and selection B6 Global Challenges B7 Practical skills
B3 Organism level systems B7 Practical skills Paper 3 Higher tier entry B1 Cell level systems B2 Scaling up B3 Organism level systems B7 Practical skills Paper 3 50% assesses content from B1, B2, B3 and B7
Paper 3 Multiple choice questions (15) Short answer questions (practical, maths, structured questions). Plus extended 6 mark level of response question. Worth 75 marks Total 90 marks
Higher tier Paper 4 50% assesses B4 Community level systems B5 Genes, inheritance and selection B6 Global Challenges B7 Practical skills Paper 4 50% assesses content from B4, B5,B6 and B7 but also assumes knowledge from B1,2 and 3
Paper 4 Multiple choice questions (15) Short answer questions (practical, maths, structured questions, synoptic questions). Plus extended 6 mark level of response question. Worth 75 marks Total 90 marks
Working scientifically Mathematical skills Working scientifically Mathematical skills are assessed in the course. The skills needed will not exceed the skills needed for a reasonable grade in mathematics. The understanding of theories and applications of sciences, practical aspects of experimentation and objective analysis and evaluation. New technologies.
Practical skills There is no controlled assessment. A compulsory eight practicals must be completed to the required level - one in each of 8 areas. These areas are called Practical Activity Groups (PAGS) Practical skills will be assessed in the written paper as part of working scientifically and hence training will take place throughout the course.
Resources All students have a copy of the text book. All students have access to the resources in Kerboodle. All students have access to older past papers on sharepoint. Students will be provided with a workbook related to the course.
Techniques to improve Revision books are not recommended by the department. Key word lists should be made and the student should ensure that they understand and can use each word. Fundamental concepts must be understood because of the synoptic nature of the subject. These include, diffusion, osmosis, respiration, photosynthesis, transport mechanisms and homeostasis. B4 Community level systems and B6.1 have been covered in year 9 and will be examined in the year 10 exam. KS3 knowledge is assumed.
Using the book Mathematical content is indicated by a calculator. The “Working Scientifically” content is indicated by a microscope. These can signal the possibility of a 6 marks question. Higher level questions are in dark pink A topic summary is provided and the links must be understood. End of topic questions are provided for own use. The glossary can be used to check the understanding of key words.