28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg Technology of radiation-chemical polymerization alkylmethacrylates for producing viscosity and depressor oil additives. Дата обновляется автоматически Research and Practical Conference “Accelerators and Radiation technologies for the Futures of Russia” 28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg
Description of the solution and technology electron beam 4 Oil Monomer Commodity yield 1 2 3 1- blending block 2- Radiation-chemical reactor 3- Stabilization block 4- Electron beam accelerators 28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg
Description of the solution and technology Description of novelty: in brief (short) arguments of novelty One stage producing. Output polymer with very high cleanness, because no any intermediate chemical reagents. Polymerization initiation process easy controlled by beam current and products flow in reactor. Possible to tune process mode for any polymer length. Radiation method allow make polymers which impossible get by chemical methods or very low speed of polymerization. Дата обновляется автоматически Research and Practical Conference “Accelerators and Radiation technologies for the Futures of Russia” 28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg
Description of the solution and technology Current condition and prospects of development: current status and planned steps that will be created as a result of R & D We have performed RCh polymerisations of ММА in oil for the purpose of producing viscosity additives at different monomer concentrations and different radiation doses. The product received is homogeneous, oil viscosity with polymer additives (PMMA) does not change over 100 000 hours of model operation Дата обновляется автоматически Research and Practical Conference “Accelerators and Radiation technologies for the Futures of Russia” 28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg 4 4
Volume and cost parts of base oil and additives in ready oil Market On what market segment is focused your product Producers the lubricant additives and motor oils. Current oil additives price ~ 3-10 $/l Rows cost – 1 $ Irradiation cost (electricity only) – 0.05$ Equipment cost (aprx) – 3 500 k$ Annual consumption of viscosity and depressor oil additives in World and Russia Volume and cost parts of base oil and additives in ready oil Дата обновляется автоматически 28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg
Investor of the project realization (implementation) Existing investors. In case if there is not investor, for which companies, foundations, individuals, and others according to the project developer opinion could be promoted as commercial interest Дата обновляется автоматически Research and Practical Conference “Accelerators and Radiation technologies for the Futures of Russia” 28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg
28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg Project team Aleksandr Varand RCT-Co. Aleksandr Gadetsky , RAFO (Romanian oil-chemistry company) Boris Tolochko Novosibirsk Institute of Chemistry Solid state Siberian Branch of RAS Mikhail Mikhailenko Novosibirsk Institute of Chemistry Solid state Siberian Branch of RAS Aleksandr Bryazgin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Mikhail Korobeynikov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Дата обновляется автоматически Research and Practical Conference “Accelerators and Radiation technologies for the Futures of Russia” 28-29 September 2012, Saint-Petersburg