The Crucible.


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Presentation transcript:

The Crucible

Authority = The Church

abhors you… The God that holds you over the pit of hell,   much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you… his wrath toward you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire.

What is a Crucible? Its literal definition is a container that resists heat or the hollow at the bottom of an ore furnace. However, its connotations include melting pot, in the symbolic sense, and bearing of a cross (crux, crusis, + ferre). It can also mean a trial of faith and belief, or a severe test.

Crucible = Allegory The Crucible is an allegorical re-telling of the McCarthy era Red Scare that occurred in the United States after World War II. An allegory is "the representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form."

Allegory (cont) Based on historical accounts, The Crucible, is set during the 1692 Salem Witchcraft Trials when several young girls accuse innocent town members of witchcraft to avoid getting into trouble for entertaining ideas of witchery themselves.

Artistic License: At the beginning of the play, Miller clearly states that this is a work of fiction, but he did use real names. Miller changed small pieces of information throughout the play to enhance the drama. For example, historically, Abigail was 11 and John Proctor was 60. There was NO love affair.

Causes for hysteria? 1. Refer to the webquest and Puritan religion – Depravity: Through Adam and Eve’s fall, every person is born sinful – the concept of “Original Sin” Unconditional Election: God “saves” those he wishes: only a few are chosen for salvation. Predestination. Perseverance of the Saints: Those selected by God have full power to interpret the will of God and to live uprightly. If anyone rejects grace “felt” he’s going against God.

Causes for Hysteria? (cont) 2. Puritans believed the only way to God was through these things. A God-fearing people who must abide by the church laws (a theocracy) In their society, church leaders knew everything and you could not question them. They were divinely inspired and it was heretical not to do what they said. Must be in church every Sunday. If you were not there, you were “backsliding” Obey the Sabbath. If you worked on the Sabbath, you were “backsliding” Pay tithes. Stopped here for 3& 6th

Causes for Hysteria (cont) 3. Fear of the unknown and failure: Typology: God’s intentions are present in human action and natural phenomenon. Failure to understand these is human failure. If a reverend could not figure out what was wrong with a member of his congregation, then it was his failure as a pastor to understand God.

Major Themes we’ll look for Power of Suggestion Mob Mentality Right vs. Easy Decision Scapegoating The Power of Authority

Questions we seek to answer for ourselves What is Courage? What is fear?    Why is it necessary to rebel against an authority figure? When? What does it mean to be "free"? What is the best way to fight oppression?