Gordon State College Student Housing Fall 2017 Move-In Saturday, August 5th 8:00 AM -3:00PM Prior to August 5th: Register for classes and pay for all related semester fees via Banner Web or Bursar's Office (Lambdin) Register your vehicle and obtain a parking decal from Public Safety (Gordon Hall) Pick up your Gordon State College Student ID from Public Safety (Gordon Hall) or Bursar's Office (Lambdin) Complete the GSC Residence Life On-Campus Living Course at https://app.schoology.com/register.php (Code:KVV-XRVPS) Complete the GSC Residence Life Safety Awareness Modules at http://gscsafetyeducation.com/main.asp (Username: Highlander and Password: GSC30204) Communicate with your roommate regarding the room arrangements (personal perspectives and relationships) Review the Move-in Guide and the What to Bring List Note: If you have not been assigned a room prior to August 4th, the August 5th Move-In Details do not apply. Please continue checking your housing status and eligibility to move in as early as August 7th (8:00 AM- 5:00 PM).
Arrive On-Time Pick-Up Move-In Enter the Student Activity and Recreation Center (SARC) Show student GSC ID and sign for room keys. Visit additional offices as needed: Financial Aid Office Business Office Student Success Center Admissions Office Please be sure to arrive no later than 2:30PM for proper check-in. Enter the Athletic Complex for parking from College Drive. Look for Public Safety Officers for assistance. Use designated parking decals and parking locations Melton Commons A/B/C Village