Gonzaga’s Theme House Program
What is a theme house? “The Off-Campus Theme House program is an intentional way of having students live together with a common goal, purpose, hobby, or cause.”
What do theme houses do? 3 events per year 1 each semester + 1 service event total Engage with neighbors in a positive way Attend Logan Neighborhood Association meetings
What are some benefits? Properties managed by GU Housing and Residence Life GU as your landlord! Proximity to campus What you pay for: rent, electric, wireless GU pays for water, sewage, and garbage Managed and repaired by PLANT (when needed) Transition into living
Who can live in theme houses? Students who meet on-campus residency requirements Have lived on-campus for 4 semesters OR are 21 years of age 3-7 bedrooms per house
How do I apply? Applications live Sept 14 – Oct 5 Find the application here: http://tinyurl.com/GUthemehouse 5- 7 minute presentation
Timeline Theme House Application Live- Sept 19th - Oct 5th. Theme House Application DUE- Oct 5th Theme House Applicant Presentations- Oct 10th - 13th Theme House Offers- Oct. 14th Theme House Tours- Oct. 17th -20th
Where can I find more information? GU website -> search “theme house” -> GU Off-Campus Housing Rentals http://tinyurl.com/GUthemehouse Reach out! Community Advocates: aharper4@zagmail.gonzaga.edu klinane-booey@zagmail.gonzaga.edu hkenneally@zagmail.gonzaga.edu