Student voice and responsibility
Concerns from students re: lack of student voice Staff are interested in my views = 68% of KS4 students agreed / strongly agreed. My opinions are taken seriously = 69% of KS4 students agreed / strongly agreed
Therefore, changes to be made: There will be a student leadership team. The student leadership team will have its own Improvement Plan to bring about positive change in the school. This will be reported back to students on a regular basis. There will also be consistency in structures in each house.
Very important role Work with the senior leadership team and governors to make the changes that you think are important in the school. Ensure that all students know what is going on across the school. Act as “the voice of the students” to key parties. Represent the school at key events, e.g. open evening Fantastic for your CV for 6th form, college or university applications – it shows you care and were prepared to do something rather than just whinge about it!
Head Boy / Girl The process will run as follows: Nominations received by SLT and HoH (students can be nominated or self nominate) on form provided. SLT / HoH shortlist on the basis of appropriateness to 5 boys and 5 girls The 10 candidates are then allowed to campaign for a short period of time, including giving presentations in assemblies. The whole student body is invited to vote as are the staff Normal first past the post rules apply.
Head Boy / Girl The process will run as follows: Nominations received by SLT and HoH (students can be nominated or self nominate) on form provided. SLT / HoH shortlist on the basis of appropriateness to 5 boys and 5 girls The 10 candidates are then allowed to campaign for a short period of time, including giving presentations in assemblies. The whole student body is invited to vote as are the staff Normal first past the post rules apply.
And finally The process will begin with an introductory assembly for Y10 students on Wednesday 12th July where the responsibilities of the role and voting process will be explained. A nomination form will be in tutor trays on the morning of 12th July, students will need to fill in a nomination form to be considered. There will be a shortlisting process and successful students will be asked to present reasons for why students should choose them as Head Boy or Girl at an assembly on Wednesday 19th July during P4 – first half of P4 will be year 9, second half will be Y10. Students will vote for their candidate after the assemblies. Votes will be counted and Head Boy and Girl will be announced in the final assembly on Friday 21st