Bringing the Maryland Faith Health Network to Your Congregation October 19, 2016
Sign and return the Memorandum of Understanding Choose the appropriate signatory from your congregation The MOU is available at: content/uploads/2016/06/Memorand um-of-Understanding.pdf
Appoint at least 2 Liaisons Liaisons serve as the point of contact for the hospital and are responsible for tracking care of members Can be faith leaders, ministry leaders, lay leaders, etc. Trusted individuals who are well-integrated into the life of the congregation Strong and reliable communication skills
Attend or Host a Training Session Contact MCHI to Schedule Topics include: Patient Confidentiality and Privacy Hospital and Congregation roles Congregational Care Plan Example scenarios Liability considerations Congregant Care Tracking System
Review or Create Congregational Care Plan Document for congregants to understand the care that they could receive after they are hospitalized Example: Excerpt from Sheperd’s Heart Missionary Baptist Church’s Care and Concern Ministry Health Plan
Review or Create Congregational Care Plan Process for liaisons to coordinate care for ailing congregants Example: Mt. Olive United Methodist Church’s Congregational Care Process
Tips to Launch Watch a launch at Request Member Registration Forms, ID Cards, and Recruitment Flyers from MCHI at least 2 weeks before launch Every congregation is different. Some congregations have: At a service: Invited MCHI staff to describe the MFHN Faith leader described why the MFHN is important Faith leader incorporated a theme of health into the sermon Made the Recruitment Flyers and Member Registration Forms easily available Sent mailings Made presentations at different congregational groups Brought forms to the sick and shut-in Watch a launch at
Enroll Members Only adults 18 and older may enroll The Member Registration Form must be filled in completely When you receive a Registration Form from a member Write their Member ID (listed on their ID card) on their Registration Form Make sure the member’s name is written on the ID card Give the member their ID card
Provide Care Every congregation is different Faith Liaisons may either provide all of the care for the congregant in need or connect them to the appropriate Ministry Leaders 3 Key Supports Help connect with Primary Care Provider Help keep a follow-up medical appointment Help with prescriptions