Note: Persons laid off have re-employment rights based on seniority. STATE ED CODE DISTRICT January Gov. Proposed State Budget 1-10 February - RBB Opens 2-22 - Early Retirement Offer Closes 2-28 March Legislature Approves by 2/3 Vote Tax Extension on Ballot Date TBD Certificated Notices 3-15 - Early Ret Board Decision Made 3-9 - RBB Closes 3-18 April Classified Notices Given 4/29 – 5/15 May May Revise Proposed State Budget 5-10 Final Certificated Teacher & Administrators Layoffs 5-15 Cert. Rescissions, if any, prior to 5-15 June -Vote on Tax Extension, if on Ballot , 6-7 - State Adopted Budget 6-30 - Final Cert Admin Re-Assign by 6-30 - Teacher Assign Finalized 6/30 – 8/30 - Classified Rescissions, if any, prior to 6-30 - Adoption of OUSD Bgt 6-30 Note: Persons laid off have re-employment rights based on seniority.
Actual Retirements with PARS Early Retirement Employee Group Actual Retirements with PARS Certificated Non-Management 145* Certificated Management 14 Classified Non-Management 67 Classified Management 6 TOTAL 232 * 108 are classroom teachers