Welcome to our pupil-led worship Let’s light the candle…
The Lord is here His spirit is with us
This morning we are thinking about how Father God cares for the animals, birds and people he has created!
What do you wear to survive the cold winter weather?
Animals in winter also do special things to survive. Let’s see what they do…
Some animals "sleep" during winter and only come out when the warm weather returns. This is called hibernation. What are these animals called?
What are these animals called? Snow also affects the ways animals behave; many take advantage of the insulating properties of snow by burrowing in it and living under the snow layer. What are these animals called?
An animal may change the colour of its fur to blend in with its surroundings this is called adaptation. What are these animals called?
Many birds fly to warmer countries to survive the winter, this is called migration. What are these birds called?
Now we are going to watch a U Tube clip of other animals and birds adapting, migrating and hibernating to survive winter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7X1Q3C_y08
Today’s Bible Reading….
Matthew chapter 6 – God Cares About You “Look at the animals and birds… Your Father in heaven cares for them So do not worry You are more valuable to God He knows what you need” This is the word of the Lord Thanks be to God
Prayer and Reflection…. Are there 4 pupils who would like to come out and write a prayer about how God cares for us?
In silence let’s pray and reflect… What are two things you worry about? Hold one worry in each hand and tell Father God about your worries. Open each hand and thank Father God for looking after you. Now let’s hold hands and say ‘The Grace’
The Grace May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, Amen.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord In the name of Christ. Amen