Mrs. Hake’s Friday, Jan.27th edition CLASSROOM 2016-2017 news Sneak Peak Week in Review: at Next Week This week our theme was all about bears. We read the book Bear Snores On and talked about hibernation. We sorted animals that hibernate and animals that stay awake all winter long. The kindergarteners were surprised at how many animals hibernate! In our journal, we wrote about if we would like to hibernate. We measured our bears with unifix cubes, and sorted, counted, and graphed gummy bears. We also loved weighing items using bear counters and a balance. We worked on using our new vowel friends ai in writing. We also learned our numbers 11- 15. We talked about fiction and nonfiction this week and worked on writing facts about hibernating animals. Mon. Star Student: Lucas Wed. Star Student: Ryley Tues. Scientist: Liam Thur. Scientist: Jackson W. Theme of the Week: zoo Vowel friends: ee says e like in tree Sci/Social Studies: animals and what they need Math: teen numbers Rainbow words: with, this Contact info: Kari Hake 937-667-2275 Upcoming Events: February 1- Field trip to Victoria Theatre for all students February 9- 7pm PIE meeting at Broadway February 14- Valentine’s Day Parties February 16- 3:45-7:45pm Parent Teacher Conferences February 17- Teacher In-service, No School February 20- President’s Day, No School
with out this Rainbow WORDS Valentine’s Day Party Our party is on February 14th from 2:00 – 3:00. Parents are welcome but not obligated to attend. Valentine cards are great way to practice name writing! Use this experience to practice writing first or first and last names. HOWEVER, PLEASE DO NOT ADDRESS VALENTIN CARDS TO A SPECIFIC STUDENT, AS CARDS WILL BE PASSED OUT DOWN A LINE IN ORDER TO TAKE LESS TIME AWAY FROM OUR FUN PARTY! Again, please have children only sign their own name. Also, it is easiest to pass out cards that are unisex. Valentine bags will be made at school so there is no need to send one in. THANK YOU for helping make this experience FUN and EDUCATIONAL! There are 23 students in your child’s class. *Practice identifying rainbow words in the newspaper. Use a highlighter to find them. *Have your child count some of the coins from your change jar. Identify them and their value. Sort them and make change. *Have your child sound out the items on your grocery list. *Sound out valentine notes *Keep Reading! books, guided reading books, bag-a –books and any books they like!) Discuss story elements. Valentine Fun! *Sort candy by color or size *Add and subtract using hearts or candy *Sound out notes to people you love *Sound out to write 3 sentences about flowers *Write your first and last name on Valentines *Sort your Valentine cards by character – make a graph *Sound out to read Valentine cards you receive *Use tally marks to keep track of nice deeds you do Rainbow WORDS Trace, cut, practice: out with this