Understanding Nutrition Regulations Entrepreneurship and Marketing (SBE) Understanding Nutrition Regulations Danna Nelson– Gresham High School – Gresham, Oregon
There are TWO Laws Impacting Food & Beverages in Schools The Oregon Department of Education’s Rules Governing Nutrition – this is a State Law impacting all schools in Oregon. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Nutrition Standards – this is a National law impacting ALL public schools in the country.
Oregon Department of Education Rules Governing Nutrition The Oregon law requires that schools prohibit access to ANY food or beverage until 30 minutes AFTER the last lunch period has ended. There can be no competitors with the cafeteria (selling or giving away food/beverages) until 30 minutes after the last lunch.
Oregon Department of Education Rules Governing Nutrition Other food and beverages CAN be sold (or given away) 30 minutes AFTER the last school lunch period has ended, but … Oregon’s strict nutrition regulations MUST be followed: No more than 12 ounces in size No more than 35% of total product weight from total sugars (in grams) No more than 55 mg of caffeine
Oregon Department of Education Rules Governing Nutrition Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV)
Oregon Department of Education Rules Governing Nutrition Oregon law does NOT allow Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV) to be offered in the school at any time during the school day. A vending machine with candy bars may not be operated until the school day has ended. Teachers may NOT give candy to students as a reward or a prize during the school day.
Vending machine operations are allowed 30 minutes after lunch if the products vended meet the Oregon Rules Governing Nutrition.
Letter received by parents from a Missouri School. Can parents be required to provide their child with a particular type of lunch? Letter received by parents from a Missouri School.
Oregon Department of Education Rules Governing Nutrition Exceptions: A parent may provide their child with anything for meals School nurses may use food to treat a sick student Nine school events/days each year can be designated as exempt days by school officials
Oregon Department of Education Rules Governing Nutrition Exceptions: Foods for Instructional Purposes “Foods integrated as a vital part of the instructional program are allowed at any time.”
Oregon Department of Education Rules Governing Nutrition Exceptions: “Examples include edible manipulatives such as a square of cheese to teach fractions, a nutrition food experience, food production in family and consumer science units, and food science units.”
United States Department of Agriculture Nutrition Standards The USDA’s rules apply to all public schools in the United States. Prohibits the sale of sugary snacks and beverages on school grounds from midnight until after the end of the school day. Any snack food or beverage meeting the USDA nutrition standards CAN be sold at any time during the school day.
United States Department of Agriculture Nutrition Standards The USDA nutrition standards include Beverages must have 60 calories or less per 12 ounce serving. (12 ounces is the maximum serving size) Any beverage that is 100% fruit or vegetable juice is allowable at any time under the USDA standards regardless of calories. Caffeine content is not restricted at all at the high school level.
United States Department of Agriculture Nutrition Standards The USDA nutrition standards include Low-fat milk and fat-free milk, maximum of 12 ounces Flavored nonfat milk, maximum 12 ounces – (Ex. hot chocolate, latte, cappuccino, hot mocha) Other “calorie-free” beverages with 10 calories or less up to 20 ounces (Ex. Italian soda, frozen Italian soda) Water – no limits
United States Department of Agriculture Nutrition Standards The USDA nutrition standards EXEMPTIONS: There are no exceptions regarding educational purposes. Parents can still provide their children with the food of their choice. Some “infrequent” days can be designated as exempt days
United States Department of Agriculture Nutrition Standards The USDA has provided a calculator to determine if a snack or beverage complies with the standards: Click Here to Launch the Calculator Use the calculator – enter our fruit smoothies, lattes, café mochas, and frozen low-calorie mochas.
United States Department of Agriculture Nutrition Standards Click Here to Watch the Video
In Conclusion Nutrition Standards Conclusions – We are technically exempt from the Oregon regulations under the exemption titled “Foods for Instructional Purposes.” However, we are following the intent of the Oregon regulations and are in substantial compliance with the rules. We are complying with the USDA standards. Using only fat-free milk No-calorie syrups and sauces 100% fruit smoothies Created a special 60 calorie frozen mocha
In Conclusion Nutrition Standards We are not trying to get around any of the nutritional rules and regulations. We are doing our best to follow all of the rules. The purpose of our School Based Enterprise is educational. We are learning about small business operations and earning scholarship money for college.
In Conclusion Nutrition Standards Practice the terms at Quizlet.com Click Here for Quizlet
Understanding Nutrition Laws End of the Lesson Understanding Nutrition Laws Visit www.Schoology.com and “signup” for an account or “login” if you already have an account. Use the access code 6QN2N-DJ9J6 to join the Marketing 1-2 class. Take the test Understanding Nutrition Standards. You must make a 100% on the quiz. You may take the quiz more than once.