Child Abuse By Emily Heffelfinger
Forms of Child Abuse Neglect The child is underfed, inappropriately clothed, dirty, etc. Neglect is the most common form of child abuse. Physical Abuse Bruises, marks, and scars are visible on various places of the child’s body. Child also shows fear of adults, especially the abuser. Can also display a fear of being in a small, dark, or locked room. Mental/emotional maltreatment Mental abuse isn’t physically shown on anyone’s body, but it can be suspected through a child’s behavior. A child could be unusually shy, inhibited, withdrawn, self-conscious, or below his/her mental expectations. Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Child can show fear of adults, especially the abuser. The child displays “unusual knowledge” for his/her age. Can also be fearful of small, dark, or locked rooms.
Who Causes Child Abuse? Parents, other relatives, or friends/acquaintances of the family Relatives and trusted adults of the victim are the most common perpetrator. Stepparents, girlfriends/boyfriends of the parents Children are at a higher risk of abuse if the partner lives in the same home. Strangers
Causes of Child Abuse Religion, ethnicity, amount of money, and race are practically irrelevant; abuse can happen to any child. But it is found to be more common within a lower class of people. Poverty or unemployment Abused parents Disabilities or mental retardation Drugs and alcohol
Poverty/Unemployment Neglect is the most common form of child abuse in this situation. Unemployment can also contribute to cases of neglect, but that depends on the amount of time the parent was unemployed. Poverty or unemployment can lead to child prostitution. The family can sell out their children to make more money for the family. In most cases of unemployment, abuse is more likely to occur than neglect. Stress levels of the parents will rise while the joblessness lasts. This could cause them to take their increasing stresses out on their children.
Abused Parents Parents that were abused themselves as children are more likely to abuse their own children. An abused parent may know of only one way of effectively punishing their own children because that was how they were punished themselves. It is like a cycle of abuse that can continue for generations, but it can be broken.
Disabilities/Mental Retardation A child with disabilities can increase the stress levels of their parents or guardians. A child with disabilities is harder to take care of because they have individual needs. Children with disabilities are easier to treat badly. An adult person could easily abuse a handicap child, and handicap would also be threatened more effectively because of their disabilities. They can’t defend themselves. A mentally retarded child may not be able to defend themselves.
Drugs and Alcohol Parents who abuse drugs or alcohol are more likely to abuse their children. A child is about 4 times more likely to be neglected and about 3 times more likely to be sexually or physically abused if the parent or parents are using drugs or excessively drinking alcohol.
Reporting Child Abuse It is mandatory to report child abuse in every state. Failure to report can be punished by a fine. All stated have a hotline to report child mistreatment.