Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop 8-9 April 2008 This is the banner slide again to indicate a logical section break. This one does not spin. TeamScape 8-9 April 2008 Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop
Open Arena Open Arena Hidden Self Unknown Self Blind Spot The Johari Window Feedback Facet5 360 Reviews Open Arena Open Arena Hidden Self Known to Self Disclosure Discussion Openness Unknown Self Blind Spot Not known to Self Not Known to Others Known to Others
Facet5 with Teams Facet5 has 3 ways of comparing people: Overlay Snapshot TeamScape
Team Overlay With an overlay of the profiles, similarities and differences are obvious Overlaying all profiles in the group provides a picture that is difficult to read although the preponderance of Will is obvious. As is the relatively low Affection. This picture doesn’t show the Control bias. Emotionality
Team Snapshot Computing Snapshots Find intersection of lines joining each corner with the centre of the opposite side Plot that point for each person Snapshots are Facet5’s way of summarising data for a larger group. A Snapshot represents a Facet5 profile as a single data point. It is useful for summarising larger groups or a whole corporation.
Preferences Action, response, speed Results before process Do whatever it takes Traditional Process over content Stability and order Creative and innovative Broad concepts Environmentally aware People and teamwork Collective orientation Loyalty to group
Snapshot – perspectives If you are like this These may see you as poor on detail, inconsistent, impulsive These may see you as narrow minded, inflexible, rude These may see you as not consultative, ignoring people, too commercial
TeamScape adds two new elements: Work Cycle – which parts of the work cycle do people do best? and Reaching Agreement – what happens if people in the team disagree?
Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop 8-9 April 2008 This is the banner slide again to indicate a logical section break. This one does not spin. Work Cycle 8-9 April 2008 Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop
4 phases in the Work Cycle TeamScape – Work Cycle 4 phases in the Work Cycle Phase 3: Make decision Will Phase 4: Implement plan Energy Phase 2: evaluate options Control Phase 1: Generate Ideas Affection
TeamScape – Work Cycle Revolution <<<>>> Evolution Idea Generation (Affection) Practicalities <<<>>> Possibilities Evaluation (Control) Revolution <<<>>> Evolution Deciding (Will) Defer <<<>>> Decide Implementing (Energy) Understand <<<>>> Try it
TeamScape – Working Style Next TeamScape looks at individual contributions to the Work Cycle The size of the box shows the person’s preferred style The box relates to the Facet5 score for that factor Geoff’s strengths: willing to try things out brainstorms ideas creative encourages debate enthusiastic Possible limitations: changeable Can seem tactless oversimplifies
TeamScape – Group Work Cycle TeamScape shows all the Work styles in the group to show how people compare. In some ways Carol, EJ and Paula are alike In others they are very different
Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop 8-9 April 2008 Reaching Agreement & Resolving Disputes This is the banner slide again to indicate a logical section break. This one does not spin. 8-9 April 2008 Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop
Conflict at work TeamScape – Reaching Agreement & Resolving Disputes What is it? What is the effect of conflict? Is it good or bad?
Conflict Resolution theory TeamScape – Reaching Agreement & Resolving Disputes Conflict Resolution theory Rahim – ROCI Thomas, Kilmann – TKI Blake & Mouton – Managerial Grid
Assertiveness – (what I want) Cooperativeness – (what you want) TeamScape – Orientation People have a natural Orientation based on: Assertiveness – (what I want) vs Cooperativeness – (what you want)
TeamScape – Orientation
TeamScape – Orientation
TeamScape – Orientation
TeamScape – Orientation
TeamScape – Orientation
TeamScape – Orientation
TeamScape – Orientation
TeamScape – Orientation TeamScape shows: Natural Style as indicated by Facet5 + Multi-rater feedback from other team members Direct self report
How important is the relationship TeamScape – Rule of thumb Highly Good leaders are flexible How important is the outcome How important is the relationship Not very Highly
Facet5 – Tactics Even people with the same Orientation will use different “Tactics” to achieve their ends Some will apply rules and regulations Others will be flexible and unbound Relies on balance between Control and Energy Rule Free vs. Rule Conscious
Facet5 – Proportionality Emotional people: “Condition well and extinguish poorly” are easily distracted and can get things out of proportion tend to remember things in a less organised and sequential way have a self doubt which causes problems learning new processes tend to stick to what they know get emotionally involved in a situation take things more personally and things matter to them more feel the stress of a situation and suffer more when things don’t go well are less sure of themselves are more self conscious are more likely to react to criticism at a personal level
Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop 8-9 April 2008 This is the banner slide again to indicate a logical section break. This one does not spin. TeamScape360 8-9 April 2008 Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop Telstra Facet5 Accreditation Workshop
Facet5 – TeamScape360 Issues with Team 360s: Repetitive nature of data capture Reduced quality of data resulting Lack of comparability across team members
Facet5 – TeamScape360 Four steps to TeamScape360 process: Ordinal Scale using Alternation Ranking Fix ends to “nominal/interval” scale Align rest to “nominal/interval” scale Capture commentary on each person
Facet5 – TeamScape360
Facet5 – TeamScape360
Facet5 – TeamScape360
Facet5 – TeamScape360
Facet5 – TeamScape360
Facet5 – TeamScape360
Facet5 – TeamScape360