6th Grade Core Lab Training Science Department
Accessing Core Labs Accessing the mps science department website: MPS Website – Departments – curriculum – science There are 3 ways to access your core labs Mps science website: core labs – 6th Grade Mps science website: curriculum pacing guides – 6th grade Google drive: 6th gradel – core labs
Core Lab: Purpose The Core Lab program was designed to provide all students with similar grade level laboratory experiences. Core labs in no way represent a comprehensive list of labs, but rather the minimum required laboratory activities specific to each grade level. These labs were developed or suggested by committees comprising of district science teachers and follow both state standards and district curriculum.
Are we speaking the same language? Core Lab Purchases: Consumables are to Only be used for Core Labs Averaging will be used at the end of each year to decide if the item was misused Districts Idea of Consumable vs. Non-consumable: Washables: Pipettes, cups, spoons, knives Some sites have considered these disposable in the past They are only disposable if they were used with a harmful or corrosive chemical Examples of Harmful or Corrosive: iodine, ammonia, phenolphthalein, etc.… Examples of Non-Harmful or Non-Corrosive: Cooking Oil, vinegar, food coloring, etc.… Budget vs. Warehouse: Many of the items in the core lab were obtained through free items from the k-5 elementary science adoption kits. Money used to purchase all the start up will not exist in future years (i.e. budget crisis) Start looking at grants, etc.… to obtain equipment purchases. The district can’t pay for these currently.
Inventory? You actually expect me to look at that! Master list: district only changes Site page: District & teachers only changes Locked Columns: for your protection and my sanity Columns: a-h, k-t Hidden Rows: labs with versions – I have hidden the cells for the labs not chosen by your site K-5 Supplies: Some items were to expensive to obtain the large quantity required. There are notes on your inventory sheet indicating items that need to be borrowed from the K-5 teachers in your building, because they received them in their Pearson kits. This requires sharing within the building Site items: some items that are site items will need to be added to your school supply list for students to purchase (colored Pencils)
Missing or Replacement Items Replacement Items (Beaker vs. cup) Some items have been replaced with comparable items. For example: a lab requiring a 500mL Beaker. The Beaker is only being used to filter water so the student can see what the filter catches. 16oz clear plastic cups accomplish the same thing. Missing items 6th Grade missing items: Wired Alligator Clips, Magnetic Wire, Some of you are Missing Mini Lightbulbs. All will be sent in inner school mail.
Committees designed 8 core labs: These labs are considered the 8 big ideas of your grade level standards Big Idea Lab Title Premise States of Matter Viscosity Races* Understanding viscosity ratios Viscosity Tubes (OERB)* Electricity & Magnetism What are two ways to light two lightbulbs? Transfer of energy through series and parallel circuitry What determines the strength of an electromagnet? Relationship between energy and magnetism Energy Can you identify energy transfusions? (Pendulum Lab) Energy Transfer Life’s Classification & Structure Pop-Up Cells* Cell Analyzation The Edible Cell* Matter & Energy in the Environment Terrariums* Studying Life and the Water Cycle Bottle Biology* Environmental Impact Which water filter is the most effective? Earth’s Natural Water Filtration Biomes & Ecosystems Biome Project Biome & Ecosystem Research * This is a version lab for 6th Grade. Teachers will choose one of the two labs to use.
When will this be ready Roll out schedule Core lab webpage 1st week of June Pacing guides update mid-june Google drive folders updated late June All completed by August 2016 Questions???????????????