Question Answer Relationships Game & Activity © Libby Lou’s 2012
What are the 4 types of QAR? Right There Think and Search Author and Me On My Own
What Am I? Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. While up there Jack fell down and broke his crown. Jill was so sad, and then fell down too. It was a terrible time for both of them, and they went crying home to their mother. Who is the story about? RIGHT THERE
What Am I? Little Miss Muffett sat down on a tuffet eating some cottage cheese and yogurt. Along came a tarantula and scared her half to death. With that fright Miss Muffet scurried away as fast as she could. What word means the same as scurried? On Your Own
What Am I? Author and Me Old McDonald had a farm and raised a lot of cows. Everywhere you looked there were cows just eating and mooing. One day he decided to sell them, and buy some wonderful chickens. When he did this he was able to make a profit of 500 dollars, and buy Mrs. McDonald her own restaurant, which she had wanted for a very long time. How do you think Mrs. McDonald felt after she received her restaurant?
What Am I? Little Bo Peep lost her sheep and went looking around trying to find them. When she called they did not come, and when she whistled they did not return. Little Bo Peep was so upset she did not know what to do! What word would mean the opposite of upset? On Your Own
What Am I? Think and Search There once was a girl who was to marry and mean ogre. She was beautiful with long golden hair. He looked as though he had never combed his hair. The princess in her bubble gum pink gown was very angry at her father, and insisted that she would never marry someone that lived in a swamp with pigs. The father told the princess to not be so spoiled, and follow his wishes for her to marry the kind man. How are the ogre and the princess different?
What Am I? Twinkle the star was shining brightly in the sky, as though she was a diamond. The moon was shimmery as though she were wearing a dress of a thousand mirrors glimmering in the night sky. Both lit up the sky as though it were the fourth of July bursting with brilliant colors. Then all of a sudden the golden sun bursting with red hot flames came soaring into the sky. What do you think the author was trying to describe in this paragraph? Author and Me
What Am I? The three bears had decided to take a brisk walk one day as they allowed their oatmeal to cool off. They admired the pond and the woods, and even picked some flowers. However, they soon found that they were so very hungry. They headed home to find their house a wreck. The chairs were a mess, their beds a mess, and worst of all their food was gone!What did the bears do BEFORE they headed home? Right There
What Am I? Author and Me There once was a girl who lived in the woods with her mother. One day the girl in her bright red cape went to take food to her grandmother. She skipped merrily along carrying the basket when she came upon a wolf. Now the girl being as wise as one could be in this situation stood still and let the wolf pass. She had heard many stories of terrible things happening in the woods. Why do you think the girl stood still?
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