The Role of the executive The Catholic Women’s League of Canada (Excerpts from Leading the League)
Executive members are leaders They have: Responsibility of overseeing the operation of our organization Extending an invitation to all Catholic women Providing education and training to new members They ensure that: Every member must be clear in purpose and excited about belonging Together we can celebrate our achievements for God and Canada
Beatitudes of a leader A leader: Knows where she is going Knows no discouragement Knows how to lead Leads for the good of the most concerned Develops leaders Considers leadership an opportunity for service
Happy Wife/Happy Life Happy Executive/ Happy CWL Council
Qualities of good leaders Team players Make a minimum 2 year commitment Possess a positive attitude to learning more about the League Know the duties of their position Flexible and open to new suggestions Share their vision with members Encourage participation in decision making Take pride in what they do and in the members they work with
Create a Teamwork culture
How to encourage members to step up Ensure that their roles are defined Help them understand their talents Provide training so they understand their roles and responsibilities Provide positive feedback Share roles Make it fun and rewarding to be a part of the team
Duties of the executive in preparation for meetings Attend all meetings - both executive and general Summarize directives and/or communiques from other levels Study and research topics for presentation Determine which aspects of an issue would/should concern the League Report regularly at general meetings Assist in the planning of parish council events Prepare recommendations for the general meetings
What happens at general meetings? Introduce executive members at each meeting Follow Parliamentary Procedure Have an agenda prepared with copies for the members Have seating arranged so that everyone can see and hear Divide the meeting into spiritual, business and social time Introduce the idea of mini-workshops which allow members to interact Invite a guest speaker on a topic of interest to members
Extend an invitation Seek and invite new members by: Personal Invitation Bulletin Announcements Bulletin Board Announcements Pulpit speeches Being a visible and effective council
Provide education and training Provide or create: Special orientation for new members – especially executive members On-going training for all members A sense of belonging
Basic orientation program League Prayer/League Crest Mission Statement Objectives of the League Constitution & Bylaws, National Manual of Policy and Procedure Levels of the League Standing Committees Expectations for members Welcome Kit
Celebrate our achievements Through: Recognition of members Annual Reports Attendance at Diocesan and Provincial Conventions
Fulfillment – to fully realize the league as gift Fulfillment is defined in Webster’s dictionary as follows: To make full To measure up To convert into reality To put into effect To develop the full potential of To bring to an end
CWL is sisterhood Working together Wide variety of ideas Prayer Love Business Knowledge Work Fun Unity
What happens at your councils? Questions for Discussion: How do you encourage new members? What education do you provide? How do you recognize members and their accomplishments?
Prayer for leaders Jesus, you said that anyone who wants to be a leader must learn to be everybody's servant. Teach me why you became everyone’s servant. Teach me why the truly great leaders, Those who accomplished the greatest good, Were women who knew that to lead is to serve. Motivate me to begin leading those I meet daily, and my sisters in the League, by discovering their needs and striving to help them live up to their potential.