Witham St Hughs Academy Academic Performance Monday 6th March, 2017
Aims of The Evening To find out more about how the academic performance of children is measured and tracked To understand what is expected of children by the end of Year 2
Regardless of performance- aim is for well rounded individuals
National Curriculum Levels ?
Year 2 outcomes In Years Two, there are 3 outcomes: Working Towards: the Nationally Expected Standard Working at the: the Nationally Expected Standard At Greater Depth: within the Nationally Expected Standard.
Year 2 scaled score A scaled score is the total number of correct questions (raw score) that have been converted onto a consistent and standardised scale. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil scores in a test based on the number questions they answered correctly. This is based on a total of two papers. For example, Reading Paper 1 and Reading Paper 2. A scaled score of 100 will always represent the expected standard on the test.
Year 2 scaled scores Working Towards : Below the Nationally Expected Test Scores (raw scores) will be converted to Scaled Score: Working Towards : Below the Nationally Expected Below 100 Meeting : Meeting the Nationally Expected Standard 100+ Exceeding (at greater depth): Above the Nationally Expected Standard.
Our Academy Approach Level Expected Progress Year One Year Two 1B 1A Year One 2C 2B 2A Year Two 3C 3B 3A Year Three 4C 4B 4A Year Four 5C 5B 5A Year Five 6C 6B 6A Year Six
Assessment: KS1 SATs Year 2 SATs Administered during the month of May Marked in school by the class teacher Teacher assessment also informs the final decision Assessments moderated by school advisor Covers: maths, reading, writing and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) No formal test for science but progress in science is reported
School Level: Important Points We expect children of different natural ability to progress at different rates Pupil assessments are more accurate / meaningful the older the child is Just like physical growth, children’s academic growth happens more quickly some times than others Children can regress
How We Check Learning Termly Assessments: [] Reading [] Writing [] Spelling and Grammar [] Mathematics – Arithmetic and Reasoning ‘Pastoral Forums’ held each Half Term Children taught / grouped according to need (different groups weekly) Additional adults used to target specific needs
How We Communicate Progress Previously, the level your child is working at was communicated as a number and a letter but this is no longer the case. Now, we assess in terms of whether pupils are: Pre-Key Stage Working towards the expected level Working at the expected level Working at greater depth within the expected level
Why Accurate Assessment Is Important? If a child attains: The expected level for English and maths in Year 2 then: They should attain the expected level for English and maths in Year 6 which is important because: 85% of children gaining the expected level in English and maths at Year 6 will gain high GCSE grades. Secondary ready Reporting to parents may be later??
Year 2
Building A Picture We use: Reading Guided reading records Individual reading records with your child Reading assessments once a term Miscue assessments Comprehension tasks Maths Maths work and station sheet assessments on a daily or weekly basis including group work Maths tests every half term Writing Weekly pieces of writing over a range of topics which are marked and assessed.
The Formal Assessments Each child will sit 2 separate papers for maths. Mental Arithmetic Reasoning There are 2 reading papers which all pupils are expected to complete. Paper 1 (Lower demand, questions and text in one booklet) Paper 2 (Higher demand, separate question and answer booklet) There are 2 SPAG papers for all children to complete. Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
Spelling, Grammar And Punctuation (SPAG)
Working Towards The Expected Level
Working At The Expected Level
Working At Greater Depth
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Witham St Hughs Academy Academic Performance Monday 6th March, 2017
Aims of The Evening To find out more about how the academic performance of children is measured and tracked To understand what is expected of children by the end of Year 6
Regardless of performance- aim is for well rounded individuals
National Curriculum Levels ?
Year 6
The Tests – w.c.8th May This year, children in Y6 will be taking the following tests:… All these papers are timed and will be externally marked. Testing will take place during the morning sessions. Date Papers Mon 8th May Reading paper (1 hour) Tues 9th May Grammar paper (45 mins) Spelling test (approx 20 mins) Wed 10th May Arithmetic Paper (30 mins) Reasoning Paper (40 mins) Thurs 11th May
Writing Children will be awarded 2 scores: one for the SPAG test (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and one based on teacher assessment for writing. Children will not be given an overall English level from the tests.
Science There will be no science tests as part of SATs week. Every two years, some schools are asked to take part in science sampling tests. The next tests are due in 2018. Pupils will be awarded a Teacher Assessment Level. These will be based on: some test papers marked internally discussions with children observations made during practical sessions written work in children’s books
Reading – Teacher Assessment To meet the standard:
Reading - 1 paper, 1 hour
Writing You will receive a teacher assessment score, which will be one of the following: Working at greater depth within the standard Has met the standard Is working towards the standard Is working at a pre Key Stage standard
Writing – Teacher Assessment
Insert writing samples
Maths 1 Arithmetic paper – 30 mins 2 Reasoning papers – 40 mins each Scores from all 3 papers will be added together and converted to a ‘scaled score’.
Arithmetic paper Speed calculations involving all 4 operations, fractions, percentages. 5476 x 35 3 ½ x 7 234,897 – 45,996
Reasoning Papers
Scaled scores For maths, SPAG and reading, a child has ‘Met the Standard’ if they receive a scaled score of 100. Last year, a higher level pass was awarded for a scaled score of 110.
Maths: 60/110 converted to 100 98/110 converted to 110 Reading 21/50 converted to 100 34/50 converted to 110 SPAG 43/70 converted to 100 61/70 converted to 110
Results Due back in school on Tuesday 4th July. Will be out to parents in reports as soon as possible. Sent to secondary schools before the end of term
Revision Weekly homework tasks. Speed arithmetic practice My Maths website Easter holidays
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