H5 a
1. Read pgs. 186-188 CP 2. Define the following terms: Capital, Capitol, Repeal, Central, Baptist, Methodist, Denomination, & tuition
Explain the establishment of the University of Georgia, Louisville, and the spread of Baptist and Methodist churches.
University of GA, Louisville, Spread of Baptist & Methodist church Need/problem: many citizens lack basic skills (+,-, reading, writing)= not addressed, population increases & not able to compete w/other countries Solution: (how did this meet the need/problem?) Gov. Lyman Hall set aside 20,000 acres for UGA; 1786 legislators created a law for each county to open schools (no funding providing)
*Who does this assist? wealthy Who is not affected positively? poor Future impact? Only the wealthy are educated 1-cost 2-perception of importance
Quick Write Justify. The Creation of UGA made a positive impact in Georgia.
Check Yourself 1. Why was education a low priority in GA? A. formal education will deter agricultural jobs B. very little money set aside by the General Assembly C. people still against big gov’t control D. economy is based on agriculture not education
2. How were colleges funded in 1800s? A. tax dollars & tuition B. tuition only C. endowments from churches D. federal tax money
3. What issue will divide the Baptist & Methodist churches? A. tithing B. strong fed. Gov’t vs strong state govt C. slavery
Methodist & Baptist Church Need/problem: blacks for a separate church Solution: A.M.E (African Methodist Episcopal)> Methodist Circuit riders= traveling pastors
Who does this assist? blacks Who is not affected positively? Future impact? Religion grow
Louisville read pgs. Bottom 138-139 cv Need/problem: centrally located throughout the state (+ pop); transportation Qualifications for a capital: 1-well maintained roads 2-lodging 3-resturants 4-comfortable place for meeting 5-centrally located w/in the state Benefits- +pop; well maintained roads; stagecoach depot; stops; stores; inc. trade route jobs=$=taxes; +houses
Solution: moved the capital from Savannah to Louisville Who does this assist? Everyday citizens (white/Louisville) & Representatives Who is not affected positively? Savannah (Citizens of) Future impact? Able to meet the needs of the state in the future
H5b Evaluate the impact of land policies pursued by Georgia; include the headright system, land lotteries, and the Yazoo land fraud. See land distribution power point
Signs of the Times Life Expectancy Population-what are reasons for the increase in Georgia’s population? Wages-why is the shoemaker’s wage drastically higher than the farmhands? Cost of living Science- Transportation Education-
What are some plausible reasons for the increase in population and life expectancy? Technology- advances in medicine, need of workers (south), increase in birthrate, Is there a direct impact on the cost of goods and an “acceptable/minimum” wage? Yes How does the census coorelate with population?
Inventions Benjamin Franklin= bifocals F.B. Morse= Morse Code Samuel Colt= designed a pistol with a revolving cartridge Eli Whitney= cotton gin –separate cotton from seed Mechanical reaper- Cyrus McCormick- cut grain
(Ess. ques. 6-1)What impact does the cotton gin and the mechanical reaper have on agriculture? Esp. in south Lessens harvesting time Quickens production Creates false sense of future wealth
Cotton Gin How did the invention of the cotton gin impact Georgia’s economy and population? Cotton gin (influx of slaves, proven cash crops, importance of slaves, progress in economy)