International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) Associate Member Toolkit ©2015 International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC). All rights reserved.
About ISNCC The International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care was founded in 1984, and is an international federation of: National Cancer Nursing Societies Regional Cancer Nursing Societies Oncology and related institutions Individual Cancer Nurses, Researchers and Educators Globally representing over 60,000 cancer nursing professionals
Executive Committee Board of Directors Stella Bialous President (USA) Patsy Yates President Elect (Australia) Janice Stewart Secretary-Treasurer (Canada) Board of Directors Susan Beck Knowledge Development (USA) Yael Ben Gal Policy and Advocacy (Israel) Andrew Dimech Member Development (United Kingdom) Linda Krebs Conference Management (USA) Yongyi Chen Communications (China) Annie Young Corporate and Philanthropic Development (United Kingdom)
Associate Member Benefits: International Partnerships We are the international cancer nursing voice at the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) We are the international cancer nursing voice at the International Council of Nurses (ICN)
Associate Member Benefits: International Partnerships We partner with regional & specialist organisations Asian Oncology Nursing Society (AONS) European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) Multidisciplinary Association of Supportive Cancer Care (MASCC)
Associate Member Benefits: Leadership Provide international leadership for cancer nurses and nurses involved in cancer care Develop and foster cancer nurse leaders locally, nationally and internationally Development of National Cancer Nursing Societies
Associate Member Benefits: Influencing Provide an international platform for cancer nurses and nurses involved in cancer care to influence local and national care provision Access to ISNCC discussion forums for online dialogue on pertinent international nursing issues
Associate Member Benefits: International Networking Broaden network through collaboration beyond your region Develop partnerships, shared learning and development Access to an extensive network of institutions, centers and individuals involved in cancer nursing and cancer care via access to the online ISNCC Membership Directory Participation in society activities such as the ICCN, educational and research initiatives, workshops, task forces, committees, and interactions with international health groups.
Associate Member Benefits: Society Participation Participate in the business meeting of the Society which is held during the International Conference on Cancer Nursing (ICCN) Recognition of membership on ISNCC website
Association Membership – Fee Schedule Membership Dues Low Resource Countries US$50 High Resource Countries US$150 Memberships run on calendar year and expires December 31st of each year.
Join us in 2017 The annual International Conference on Cancer Nursing (ICCN) enables participants to showcase their research, share knowledge, skills, experiences and network internationally
For Further information please contact: Andrew Dimech (Chair – Member Development Committee) John Barclay (Executive Director)