Science Fair Projects
The project must have: Title Page (Names, date, title, teacher’s name…) Table of Contents Abstract (a quick summary of the project, explain why you choose this topic and what the goal of the project was, iimplications of your results for science and/or society) Experimental Evidence (How did you conduct your experiment, participants and what were the results)
Theory (Explain your results, research the topic) Conclusion (Summarize the project, what did you discover, were you surprised, include a personal opinion) Bibliography (list all the books, magazines, websites that you used) It should contain a mixture of sources. It is on its own page at the very end of the project.
The project must be 3-5 pages (not including the title page, table of contents & bibliography) Double Spaced Arial 12 point font If you have tables, graphs, pictures, they must be put at the end of the project in the log book.
Experimental Projects If you are doing an experimental project (which all of you are), you must have a log book where you describe the day to day progress of your work. You must submit the log book with the written project on the due date. It must look like an English essay and not a lab report.
Be Careful!! If there is any plagiarism, you will get a 0. DO NOT copy directly out of books, articles, websites. You must cite everything that is not yours. Footnoting must be done using MLA format. DO NOT use we or I in your paper.