International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification for exchange (IDEAS) Meeting in Sweden 2006-06-12—16 Swedish Defence Material Administration Stockholm
Proposed agenda Monday 12 0900-0920 Welcome call by Maj Gen Christer Lidström, COS Joint C4I & CIO, Training and Procurement, SwAF HQ 0920-0930 Administrative Information 0930- IDEAS WG meeting Tuesday 13 0830- IDEAS WG meeting 1900- Guided tour at the army museum 19:00 (se map) Wednesday 14 0830-1500 IDEAS WG meeting 1500-1700 Introduction to the SwAF EA program 1900-2200 Hosted dinner by Maj Gen Lidström Thursday 15 Full day SwAF EA Workshop (as stated above) (Spec program will be added later) 1700 – 1800 Industry sponsored social event 1800 – 2200 Trip by boat in the archipelago off Stockholm Friday 16 0830-1200 IDEAS WG meeting and to wind up the party 1300-1500 Demo of "Co-ordinated services for information and C2" 1500-1600 Transportation to Arlanda Airport
Administration info Peder +46 70 682 5216 PeGe +46 70 682 5895 Mikael +46 70 325 7878 Lunch each day 12-13 rests. Vingen. Table reserved fot IDEAS WG Guided tour The army museum (Map) Tuesday 19:00-20:00.