Presented by: Shahab Helmi Spring 2016 Making Sense of Trajectory Data: A Partition-and Summarization Approach Presented by: Shahab Helmi Spring 2016
Paper Information Authors: Publication: ICDE 2015 Type: Research Paper
Introduction, Motivation Raw trajectories are not easy for humans to understand. GPS locations with semantic entities such as POIs, roads, regions, resulting in semantic trajectories or annotated trajectories. Semantic trajectories have their own disadvantages: Data Volume. Semantic trajectories cannot intuitively express the travel behaviors relating to temporal attributes such as over-speed, sharp speed change, long stopover, etc. Moreover, they cannot highlight the ‘interesting’ parts of the trajectories such as significant landmarks and important roads.
Solution Overview The partition phase tries to find an optimal partition by minimizing the variation of predefined features for the trajectory segments within the same partition. Summarization phase exploits the common patterns learned from historical trajectories, to measure the unusualness of each feature, and generate textual description for the most unusual features with a predefined template. We also implemented this framework in a prototype system—STMaker.
Solution Overview (2)
Template Examples
Experiments Datasets: Commercial Map: We use the commercial map of a large city—Beijing—provided by a collaborating company. The commercial map is used to build the landmark dataset, and to provide routing features which are essential for our algorithm. Landmark Dataset: the landmark dataset consists of two parts: the turning point dataset extracted from the commercial map, and the POI dataset of Beijing provided by a reliable third-part company. We extract about 32,000 turning points from the commercial map. The raw POI dataset has about 510,000 POI points. We cluster the raw POI dataset into approximately 17,000 clusters using DBSCAN. Trajectory Dataset: We use a real-world trajectory dataset generated by 33,000+ taxis in Beijing over three months. This dataset has more than 100,000 trajectories. We randomly split the dataset into two parts: a training dataset of 50,000 trajectories, and the rest trajectories as a testing dataset.