5b 5b European Pillar of Social Rights, Reflection Paper on Social Dimension What now? Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti Poverty Network June.


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Presentation transcript:

5b 5b European Pillar of Social Rights, Reflection Paper on Social Dimension What now? Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti Poverty Network June 2017 EUISG, Brussels Eapn.eu

Outline Overview of European Pillar of Social Rights 5b Outline Overview of European Pillar of Social Rights Reflection Paper on Social Dimension of Europe What’s positive / what’s missing? What EAPN ACTION?

European Pillar of Social Rights – What is it? 5b European Pillar of Social Rights – What is it? Package adopted by the European Commission 26 April 2017 An EU framework of rights and principles to support “fair and well-functioning labour markets and welfare systems” Aims to support a renewed “process of upward social convergence towards better working and living conditions”. Primarily for euro area, but open to all Member States. Includes ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ legislative initiatives 3 main areas of the Pillar: Equal opportunities and access to labour market Fair working conditions Social protection and inclusion

European Pillar of Social Rights – Positive Elements 5b European Pillar of Social Rights – Positive Elements Strong support for social progress reinforcing social standards Improvements of 20 policy domains: right of children to protection from poverty proposal of a new right to social protection to apply to all workers, right to adequate unemployment benefits for reasonable duration, statement of right to minimum income that ensures a life in dignity, access to social housing / assistance / adequate shelter / services for homeless More clarity on implementation through European Semester through new social Scoreboard; EU funds will be targeted accordingly. Useful legislative proposals – but unclear support from Member States. Useful Staff Working Documents, assessing the implementation on key EU strategies (Investing in Children, Active Inclusion), but no Roadmap for future. -

European Pillar of Social Rights – Negative / Missing Elements 5b European Pillar of Social Rights – Negative / Missing Elements A framework of voluntary principles, not binding obligations and rights. Initially limited to Euro area… Poverty and social exclusion (except children) have a lower profile and no explicit link made to Europe 2020 target Implementation is still unclear, main burden falling on European Semester already struggling with reduced CSRs Social Scoreboard is useful extension of social indicators, but not coherent with the policy domains. The legislative initiatives focused on social protection for all workers, employment legislation, and work-life balance, nothing on Minimum Income / wage with strong risk of failure from Member States. Lack of detail about how to ensure that macroeconomic policy support not undermine social rights. Civil dialogue gets a low profile, compared to social dialogue.

Reflection Paper on the Social Dimension of Europe 5b Reflection Paper on the Social Dimension of Europe 1 of series of reflection papers produced to deepen discussion on the White Paper on the Future of Europe Part of consultation process -national and EU level, leads to Gothenburg Summit on 17th November Maps trends, challenges and main drivers, including poverty and inequality, highlighting new social risks EU can play a role supporting convergence in social standards and empowering citizens and through EU funds Proposes 3 scenarios: Limit social dimension to free movement: step back on minimum standards Enhanced coordination, ie Euro area… EU unemployment benefit? Whole EU 27 deepen social dimension together: social values seen as ‘fundamental to EU project’, binding benchmarks, more funds for poverty reduction.

Reflection Paper on the Social Dimension - key points 5b Reflection Paper on the Social Dimension - key points Recognizes growing inequality, risk of poverty and need for convergence to ensure social rights in new world of work, particularly through education and effective social protection. However, main objective still seems to be ‘modernizing’ and ‘restructuring’ labour markets and social protection (Securiflex!) to promote growth. Weak overall focus on adequacy of income, nor access to public services. Highlights that EU social budget now is too low! Only 0.3% of public social expenditure. The paper makes clear that the implementation of a strong Social Pillar depends on opting for the 2nd or better 3rd scenario – allowing ‘progress together on social standards’.

EAPN Actions on Pillar of Social Rights 5b 5 EAPN Actions on Pillar of Social Rights Participation in European Commission’s Stakeholder Dialogue Meetings (2016) 12 January 2017: EAPN event in European Parliament: Can the Semester help build a better Social Europe? with Maria João Rodrigues MEP Follow up social media campaign with members on Rodrigues EP report (17 January) 16 Feb: EAPN presentation to EMCO – including new ways of work Follow up on position paper: Last Chance for Social Europe, finalized and consultation response submitted. National and EO member responses. 21 Feb 2017: Letter to President Juncker / Dombrovskis / Thyssen: Time for Timidity is over – need for strong Social Pillar. Reply received. Participation / Intervention in key events on the Social Pillar at Brussels/national level. Social Media campaign with members: “Last chance for Social Europe” in 2 stages, until end of April. 31 May: EAPN presentation to SPC – on European Pillar of Social Rights and CSRs.

What EAPN Action Plan Now? 5b What EAPN Action Plan Now? Our Aim? Still trying to influence the content? Or pushing for our interpretation / effective implementation? What priorities? 1) Informing and exchanging with members Briefing to members and exchange of views / experiences 2) Developing an EAPN response Highlighting positives / negatives and what’s missing Proposing ‘our interpretation’ of priority domains? Proposals on social Scoreboard? Proposals of implementation, particularly in the European Semester? Call for strong role for civil society

5b What EAPN Action Plan? 3) Monitoring delivery through the European Semester and using it to press for better NGO engagement? 4) Try to influence the interinstitutional proclamation through Parliament, Council and Commission? 5) Engage with the Gothenburg Summit? Present messages, get invites / representation? Organize side event? 6) Detailed work on the new social Scoreboard (indicators)? with the SPC and EMCO Indicators Sub Group (ISG) 7) Support for legislative initiatives? Support the work of the Brussels work-life balance coalition Prioritize access to social protection, including public consultation and EP input

Discussion Points What reaction to the Social Pillar and Reflection Paper? What’s positive / missing? What are our key messages? What should we do? General approach Prioritize policy principles for further work Agree next steps - EU and national

What Principles are a priority? 5b What Principles are a priority? Equal Opportunities and access to the labour market 1. Education, training and lifelong learning 2. Gender equality 3. Equal opportunities 4. Active support to employment Fair working conditions 5. Secure and adaptable employment 6. Wages 7. Information about employment conditions/dismissals 8. Social dialogue and involvement of workers 9. Work-life balance 10. Healthy, safe and well-adapted environment and data protection.

What Principles are a priority? 5b What Principles are a priority? Social Protection and Inclusion 11. Childcare and support to children 12. Social protection 13. Unemployment benefits 14. Minimum income (EMIN) 15. Old age income and pensions 16. Health care 17. Inclusion of people with disabilities 18. Long-term care 19. Housing and assistance for homeless 20. Access to essential services

Thank you for your attention! 5b Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator sian.jones@eapn.eu