Congenital Heart Disease
Congenital Heart Disease Acyanotic: With shunt: e.g. ASD, VSD, PDA Without shunt: e.g. PS, coarctation of the aorta, congenital AS, congenital MS…… Cyanotic With reduced pulmonary blood flow: e.g. TOF With increased blood flow: TGA
Common Congenital Heart Disease Atrial septal defect (ASD) Osteum secundum Osteum primum Ventricular septal defect (VSD) Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) Coarctation of the aorta Congenital pulmonary stenosis Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)
Clinical Presentation of CHD Asymptomatic Congestive heart failure Cyanosis and digital clubbing Failure to thrive Recurrent chest infections
Clinical Presentation of CHD Heart murmur Pulmonary hypertension with reversed shunt (Eisenmenger syndrome)
Pulmonary Hypertension Initially caused by increased blood flow through the pulmonary vessels due to left-to-right shunt
Pulmonary Hypertension Later on: structural changes affect the walls of pulmonary arterioles, including: Arterial wall thickening intraluminal thrombosis Capillary obliteration
Pulmonary Hypertension This leads to: increased resistance to pulmonary blood flow Reduction of pulmonary blood flow Right-to-left shunt through the connection between the two circulations (reversed shunt, the Eisenmenger’s syndrome)
Eisenmenger’s Syndrome: clinical features Cyanosis and clubbing Raised JVP Left parasternal heave (RVH) Systolic expansion of the pulmonary artery Palpable second heart sound Loud pulmonary second sound
Eisenmenger’s Syndrome: clinical features RV third heart sound Murmurs: early diastolic murmur at the pulmonary area (Graham-Steel murmur) Tricuspid regurgitation (pansystolic murmur at LSB)
Eisenmenger’s Syndrome: clinical features ECG: Right axis deviation Right ventricular hypertrophy (tall R waves in V1& V2) Peaked P wave (RA enlargement) CXR shows enlarged central pulmonary arteries & peripheral pruning of the pulmonary arteries
Complications of Cyanotic Heart Disease Polycythemia: hyperviscosity syndrome Hemoptysis, sometimes massive and fatal Paradoxical embolization Brain abscess
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Osteum primum ASD: part of endocardial cushion defects associated with mitral regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation Osteum secundum ASD: at the area of fossa ovalis
ASD: Pathophysiology Shunting of blood from LA to RA through the defect leads to dilatation of RA, RV, & PA, but not LA or LV
ASD: Pathophysiology The magnitude of the shunt depends on the difference in compliance of the RV & LV. The size of the defect has a minor significance (≠VSD)
ASD: Symptoms Dyspnea Recurrent chest infections Heart failure Arrhythmias (palpitations)
ASD: Signs ↑ JVP Left parasternal heave Fixed splitting of S2 Systolic murmur at the pulmonary area NO THRILL is felt at the pulmonary area (unlike valvular PS)
ASD: Investigations ECG: CXR Echocardiography Trans-esophageal echocardiography (TEE)
ASD: ECG Incomplete RBBB With secundum ASD: right axis deviation With primum ASD: left axis deviation
ASD: CXR Dilated RV, RA, and PA plethoric lungs: increased pulmonary arterial and venous markings
Echocardiography & TEE Shows the size of the defect The direction of blood flow The pulmonary artery pressure
ASD: Management Surgical closure when the shunt is large (exceeds 1.5:1) Recently: closure with implantable closure devices during cardiac catheterization Endocarditis prophylaxis for primum ASD
ASD: Management Endocarditis prophylaxis is not required in osteum secundum ASD unless associated with other valvular or congenital defects
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Failure of septation of the ventricles The interventricular septum is normally composed of small membranous and large muscular parts.
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) The usual position of the defect is around the membranous septum (perimembranous VSD)
VSD: Pathophysiology The magnitude of the shunt depends on the size of the defect & the relative systemic & pulmonary resistance
VSD: Pathophysiology The shunt involves the LV, RV, PA, PVs, & LA
VSD: Pathophysiology The shunt does not involve the RA or the aorta There is increased flow through the mitral valve & LV volume overload
VSD: Clinical Presentation Dyspnea Recurrent chest infections Heart failure Accidental finding of a murmur Eisenmenger’s syndrome
VSD: Physical Findings Hyperdynamic apex beat Systolic thrill: flow through the defect Physiological splitting of S2 (↑ with breathing) S3: LV volume overload
VSD: Physical Findings LV-RV shunt causes pansystolic murmur at the left sternal border Increased flow through the mitral valve causes diastolic murmur at the apex
VSD: Investigations ECG CXR Echocardiography
VSD: CXR Plethoric lungs Prominent main pulmonary artery LA dilatation The heart size may be enlarged
VSD: ECG LVH: Tall R waves in V5 & V6 Deep S waves in V1 & V2
VSD: Echocardiography
VSD: Treatment Small defects: no indication for surgical closure Attention should be paid for endocarditis prophylaxis
VSD: Treatment Large defects with heart failure: Medical treatment: digoxin, diuretics, ACEIs Definitive treatment: surgical repair of the defect Lately: closure by catheterization (occluder)
VSD: Treatment If the Eisenmenger’s syndrome has developed: Heart-lung transplantation
Patent Ductus Arteriosus Normally, the ductus arteriosus closes before the 4th week of life Failure of closure of the ductus is more common in females
PDA: Pathophysiology Pressure gradient between the aorta & PA occurs throughout the cardiac cycle This leads to continuous flow of blood from the aorta to PA
PDA: Pathophysiology The shunt involves PA, LA, LV, & aorta The RV and RA are not involved in the shunt
PDA: Pathophysiology The magnitude of the shunt depends on the size of the communication Usually there is LV volume overload and increased flow through the mitral valve
PDA: Clinical Presentation Exertional dyspnea Recurrent chest infections Congestive heart failure
PDA: Clinical Presentation Eisenmenger syndrome with differential cyanosis: Cyanosis of the toes but not the fingers The right to left shunt bypasses the cerebral and upper limb vessels & flows directly into the aorta
PDA: Physical Findings Large volume pulse Left ventricular dilatation (displaced apex beat) Systolic & diastolic thrills in the pulmonary area Palpable systolic expansion of the pulmonary artery
PDA: Physical Findings Left parasternal heave (RVH due to PHT) Auscultation: continuous murmur in the pulmonary area (machinery murmur)
PDA: Investigations: CXR LV & LA dilatation Prominent main pulmonary artery Plethoric lungs (increased pulmonary vascular markings: arterial and venous) Prominent aorta In older patients: the ductus may be calcified
PDA: Investigations ECG: LVH tall R waves in chest leads V5 & V6 Deep S waves in chest leads V1 & V2 Echocardiography & Doppler: Demonstrates the site of the ductus and the continuous flow by Doppler
PDA: Management Closure of the ductus whatever the size Usually closed through catheterization Large ducts are closed surgically
Valvular Pulmonary Stenosis Increased resistance for RV ejection Pressure gradient between RV & PA This leads to right ventricular hypertrophy The forceful jet into the PA leads to dilatation of the main pulmonary artery
Valvular PS: Clinical Picture Raised JVP RVH: left parasternal heave Systolic thrill in the pulmonary area Faint pulmonary second sound Systolic ejection murmur at the pulmonary area
Valvular PS: Investigations ECG: RVH: tall R waves in V1 & V2 CXR: Oligemic lungs: reduced pulmonary blood flow Prominent main pulmonary artery (post-stenotic dilatation)
Valvular PS: Investigations Echocardiography: Reduced pulmonary valve motion Doppler: estimation of the gradient across the pulmonary valve
Valvular PS: Treatment Transcatheter dilatation of the stenotic pulmonary valve using a balloon inflated at the pulmonary valve If this fails: surgery
Coarctation of the Aorta Narrowing of the aorta just distal to the origin of the left SCA
Coarctation of the Aorta With age, collaterals form around the narrowing to bridge the proximal & distal parts
Coarctation of the Aorta Usually associated with bicuspid aortic valve More common in males
Coarctation of the Aorta: Clinical Co A is an important cause of congestive heart failure in neonates Often undetected during physical examination
Coarctation of the Aorta: Clinical The hallmark is radio-femoral delay of the pulse
Hypertension may cause headache Leg cramps: reduced circulation in the lower limbs
Coarctation of the Aorta: Clinical BP is raised in the arms, normal in the legs Auscultation: systolic murmur over the coarctation (heard over the back) Systolic ejection click (dilated aorta, bicuspid aortic valve) Continuous murmur from flow into collaterals: heard best over the spine
Coarctation of the Aorta: Investigations CXR: Rib notching: from enlarged collaterals Prestenotic and post-stenotic dilatation form the “3 sign” of the descending aorta
Coarctation of the Aorta: Investigations Echocardiography: Shows the site of stenosis & pressure gradient across it MRI: can show the entire extent of the aorta
Coarctation of the Aorta: treatment Early relief of obstruction: by surgery or catheter-based intervention BP returns to normal If intervention is delayed, HT may persist
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) The four components of TOF are: Ventricular septal defect Over-riding aorta Pulmonary stenosis, RV outflow tract obstruction Right ventricular hypertrophy
TOF: Clinical Picture Cyanosis & clubbing Squatting: sudden assumption of the sitting position in the upright patient: This increases the LV afterload and reduces the magnitude of right -to-left shunt
TOF: Clinical Picture Cyanotic spells: sudden lethargy and weakness with increased depth of cyanosis: Fever Crying Exertion Cause: Reduced pulmonary blood flow & increased shunting of blood to the left side
TOF: Physical findings Clubbing Cyanosis Prominent RV impulse No thrill (≠ valvular PS): reduced pulmonary blood flow
TOF: Physical findings Auscultation: single second heart sound Faint systolic ejection murmur at the pulmonary area
TOF: investigation ECG: Chest X ray: Right ventricular hypertrophy Right ventricular enlargement Pulmonary bay (underdeveloped pulmonary artery) The combination of these findings gives the “boot-shaped heart”
TOF: Treatment Surgical correction If the PA is very small & underdeveloped: the aorta is anastomosed to the pulmonary arteries to enhance their growth before total correction ( Blalock-Taussig shunt)