Society for Science & the Public Maya Ajmera | President & CEO, Publisher, Science News Michele Glidden | Chief Program Officer Caitlin Sullivan | Director, Science Education Programs & Manager - Intel Science Talent Search Lisa Icenroad | Program Manager, Intel ISEF CS
About the Society Mission Society for Science & the Public is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) membership organization dedicated to public engagement in scientific research and education. Our vision is to promote the understanding and appreciation of science and the vital role it plays in human advancement: to inform, educate, and inspire.
SSP History 1920’s – Science Service (now SSP) produces Science Newsletters (now Science News) 1942 – Science Service partners with Westinghouse to create STS 1950 – Science Service starts the National Science Fair 1958 – Science fair becomes International 1997 – Intel becomes title sponsor for ISEF 1998 – Intel becomes title sponsor for STS
The Society’s programs: Science News Media Group Science News in High Schools Intel ISEF Broadcom MASTERS – 6th – 8th Grade Regeneron Science Talent Search Advocate Grant Program Research Teacher Conference
Science News Media Group Science News – Science News has been published by SSP since 1922. SN offers readers bold, contemporary, award-winning editorial content, detailed imagery, a blog network, and access to archives going back to 1924 Science News for Students – Launched by the Society in 2003 as a youth edition and companion to Science News magazine, SNS has content tailored to be accessible and interesting to student scientists and serves as the flagship publication of the Student Science section of SSP’s website
The Society’s Publications Through our flagship publication, Science News, we provide crisp, concise coverage of all fields of science on a daily basis. Reaching the global community with our professional, intelligent, accessible, award-winning coverage, online and in print, we deliver news from across the entire spectrum of scientific disciplines. Science News for Kids takes the latest scientific discoveries and explains them in an engaging way for children. Science News Prime delivers scientific news weekly to subscribers who prefer an interactive, digital format
Science News in High Schools Each High School Receives: Delivery of 10 print copies addressed to science teachers and librarians Login access for entire high school to the Science News and Science News for Students websites An online teacher guide with discussion questions for each issue, to help teachers incorporate the content into their lesson plans and curriculum 2015-2016: 270 High Schools 2016-2017: 4,000+ High Schools
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair In Phoenix, Arizona, May 8-13, 2016 In Los Angeles, May 14 – 19, 2017 429 affiliated fairs representing 79 countries, territories and regions. Over 1,700 finalists with more than 1,350 projects. 48% Female; 52% Male Finalists compete in 22 STEM categories for over 4 million in awards and prizes. Education Outreach Program for Public Day
Broadcom MASTERS Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology and Engineering for Rising Stars), a program of Society for Science & the Public, inspires middle schoolers to pursue their personal passion for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) into high school. Finalists earn a trip to the national finals week competition to showcase their science fair projects and compete in a four-day STEM competition that rewards independent research, scientific inquiry, hands-on learning and teamwork.
Broadcom MASTERS Entry: Evaluation and awards Affiliated Regional Fairs nominate Top 10% of middle school projects to apply online ($75 Affiliation fee) Evaluation and awards 300 semifinalists chosen by over 120 evaluators 30 Finalists selected by Panel of 7 judges, come to DC to compete Team Challenges + Public Day Give $75,000 in Awards to schools AS From 300 fairs7500 nominations2000+ applications Diane recruits 100 evaluators to read the apps, narrow down to top 300 Finals week our entire department acts as chaperones to students to reduce parental influence, and operations and events help us Present research and team challenges judges select award winners top prize is $25,000 June helps distribute awards
Broadcom MASTERS International
Regeneron Science Talent Search The Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS) is the nation’s most prestigious science research competition for high school seniors. Since 1942, first in partnership with Westinghouse, then Intel and now with Regeneron, the Society has provided a national stage for the country's best and brightest young scientists to present original research to nationally recognized professional scientists.
Regeneron STS vs. Intel ISEF 12th grade (or last year) 9th – 12th grade National International Identifying Future Leaders Identifying Top Research Individual Individual or Team Written Research Report 3-Panel Display Essays, Transcripts, Test Scores, Recommendations In-person interviews Research over entire life allowed 1 year of research in last 18mo. No regional competitions Affiliated Fairs No limits by geography Each fair has allotted spots No limits by category Winners in each category Stricter animal rules (no oversight) Oversight of fairs = less strict
Eligibility and Application Last year of secondary school (usually 12th) Attending school in the US or some US citizens attending school abroad Individual, independent research from any time and of any duration Human / Animal research falls within rules Application Process Journal-style scientific research report Essays, transcripts, test scores Recommendations
Regeneron STS Application Process Online Application Research Report – up to 20 pages Academic Success – Essays, short answer, transcripts, test scores Teacher and Mentor Recommendations Take a look at the application… search
Regeneron STS Judging Electronic Applications are submitted directly to the Society Rules Review – Check for teams, animal rules, human rules, and originality (plagiarism) Evaluations - Over 120 Ph.D.-level scientists review entries in their subject area Each entry read and scored at least 3 times. Evaluators can change the category of an entry or send for additional review Judging - Top 400 entries sent on to 15-member judging panel They meet in DC to finalize scholars (semifinalists) and choose Top 40 finalists 40 finalists come to DC to compete: Five 15-minute interviews with 3-judge panels – all STEM questions Judging at Project Top 10 Awardees announced at Awards Gala
Regeneron STS Institute Week 40 Finalists come to Washington DC Events: Orientation / Media Training Judging Interviews Alumni Dinner Public Exhibition of Projects and Project Judging Outreach event, NIH visit, Janelia Campus of HHMI visit Innovation Dinner (Sponsor) Capitol Hill visits (maybe a White House visit) Awards Gala
Regeneron STS Awards Entrants: T-shirts, laptop stickers, 1-year subscription to Science News, and a digital entrant badges Skill Badges: Research Report and Student Initiative Scholars (Semifinalists) - $2000 Schools of top 300 scholars - $2,000 per scholar Finalists $25,000 Top Ten - $40,000 to $250,000
Important Dates Application Opens – May 1st Transcript and Recommendation Due Date November 9, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time Technical Support Deadline November 15, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time Application Deadline – ROCK SOLID November 16, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time Winner Announcements – January 4 and January 18 Intel Science Talent Institute - March 9 – 15, 2017 Public Exhibition of Projects – Sunday, March 11, 2017
Society Advocate Grant Program Sponsored by Alcoa and Jack Kent Cooke Provides a $3,000 grant to an adult who is currently working with underserved students completing science research, to help those students enter science research competitions 2015-2016 Pilot – 7 Advocates 2016-2017 – 30 Advocates Science Research Competitions CS Evaluators & Judges: Diane - nearly 150 PhD level evaluators form across the country, and a Judging panel of 15 members – mention Public Exhibition of Projects. Awards: June SEP staff: onsite chaperones
Society Advocate Grant Program Eligible Uses for Grant Money: Stipend for Adult Mentor Reimbursements for costs solely related to entering science research competitions Display boards, travel, fees, lodging, and cohort retention Future Possibilities Recruit underserved students into existing research programs Expand current research programs Create new research programs Make applications more competitive CS Evaluators & Judges: Diane - nearly 150 PhD level evaluators form across the country, and a Judging panel of 15 members – mention Public Exhibition of Projects. Awards: June SEP staff: onsite chaperones
Teachers Conference Pilot Year – October 2015 570 signed up for lottery 100 selected by lottery to attend – all expenses covered 1/3rd each of veteran, intermediate, and novice Teacher-run breakout sessions Starting a Research class Teaching students to write research reports Biosafety hazard approval Placing students in summer programs This Year – September 30 – October 2, 2016 200 Teachers – All expenses covered Piloting of Science News in High Schools CS Evaluators & Judges: Diane - nearly 150 PhD level evaluators form across the country, and a Judging panel of 15 members – mention Public Exhibition of Projects. Awards: June SEP staff: onsite chaperones
Contact Information All Programs: Regeneron Science Talent Search: Advocate Grant Program: Teacher Conference - Caitlin Sullivan: Broadcom MASTERS – Allie Stifel: Intel ISEF – Lisa Icenroad –