New and upcoming features in Sitekit CMS Ian Stewart
New in 10.5 Post groups, grouping and re-ordering Security Improvements Speed improvements
New in 10.5 – Post grouping Post groups, grouping and re-ordering
New in 10.5 – Security improvements security improvements and reference to ISO27001 and ISO9001 When a user successfully logs in on a device, A cookie is dropped and that device is logged as a valid device for the user to login on. If the user later tries and fails to login on that same device, they can retry as often as they like. The response to failed login is neutral with no indication of cause. The wait period for the fail response is random and can be as long as 10 seconds, this is a recognised defence against programmatic brute force attacks If the user fails to log in five times on a new device, without ever having successfully logged in on that device, the following occur the account is disabled for 10 minutes. The failure appears in the audit trail An email is sent to the account owner with a reset option Successful logins, Failed logins, Password reset, Hacked cookie, Account suspended
New in 10.5 – Speed improvements Faster – Navigation optimisation, less calls to the database 20% page speed improvement
Upcoming in next release – what are we trying to improve? For admin users Interface changes - giving you more space – a bit Making it easier to collect and display form data Making it easier to make you own page layouts – without HTML For advanced admin users Making it easier to edit the HTML templates in line with line numbering , markup and code completion.
Upcoming – Interface change
Upcoming - Form to posts Create a form and make it type 3 Create a page and place the form on that page Fill in the form on the front end of the site and submit it The submission will automatically create a post with the same name as the form Optionally you can create a page on the site listing approved form submission
Upcoming - Code markup and line numbers File types supported XML & XSL JS CSS HTML With code completion and syntax highlighting
Upcoming - Drag and drop flexible layouts Create less content page layouts with zones for the content Create a page using the new content layout and edit Drag the relevant content block into your chosen zone
Short demo