Toby Hanning and Gary Steele Definitive Databases: Using the Library Catalogue as a Database A-Z Toby Hanning and Gary Steele
The Problems… Cluttered Layout
The Problems… HTML Heavy
The Problems… No Space for Value Add
The Problems… Not Accessible
The Problems… Data Discrepancies
The Project Parameters Aims To create a Database A-Z that: Is easy to use Is easy to manage Is consistent Allows space for value add Timescale ASAP Budget Enough for the odd cup of coffee Image: (CC-BY-SA-3.0)
! The Solution Configure Workflows to function as a Database A-Z and Catalogue each database to MARC21 standard Image: (CC-BY-SA-3.0)
The Reasoning HTML light – less than 5% of previous code Accessible Consistent metadata Time saving Space for value add Live look-up Ability to link to an individual resource page Image: (CC-PD)
The Work Involved… Data Required 245 field to provide title information 246 field(s) to provide variant title information 506 field to provide access information 520 field to provide a description 590 field to build the A-Z (e.g. ‘Database A’) 653 field(s) to build subject lists (e.g. ‘Nursing’) 856 fields to link to: - The resource - General usage guidelines - Help guides (optional) - Password details (optional) Image: (CC-BY-SA-2.0)
The Work Involved… Controlled Vocab
The Work Involved… Access Issues We checked existing access methods both on and off campus to ensure accurate data would be assigned to the new catalogue records Around 20% of e-resources had issues, ranging from the wrong access method, to no access at all Image: (CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0)
The Work Involved… Everything Else Write a short description for each database Identify relevant help guides Catalogue around 170 databases Create targeted searches for the database A-Z and subject listings Image: (CC-BY-2.0)
The Work Involved… Technical Updates Create a new format policy for databases Create a new template Update the ‘look and feel’ of the OPAC Build the Database A-Z web page Image: (CC-BY-SA-3.0)
The Finished Product
(Fairly) static data but dynamic code Dynamic data and static code The New Ethos (Fairly) static data but dynamic code Dynamic data and static code
Measuring Success 34% increase in page views 26 % increase in unique page views 182% increase in entrances
A live demo…
Catalogue Format Policy: Format
Catalogue Format Policy: Entries
Catalogue Format Policy: Variations
Catalogue Template: Value at Creation
Item Details: Item Location
Item Details: Catalogue Record
Database Details
Pages to HTML
Search Form
Keywords: Audio Engineering Society elibrary <form action="" method="post" target="_blank"> <input maxlength="255" name="searchdata1" type="text" value="Audio Engineering Society elibrary"> <input name="format" type="hidden" value="DB"> <input name="sort_by" type="hidden" value="TI"> <input name="user_id" type="hidden" value="WEBSERVER"> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Search"> </form>
AES e-library [electronic resource].
Browse By Title
“database a” {590} searchdata1="database a" {590} srchfield1=GENERAL^TITLE^GENERAL^TitleProcessing^Keyword(s) thesaurus1=GENERAL search_entries1=GENERAL search_type1=TITLE special_proc1=Keyword(s) match_on=KEYWORD format=DB sort_by=TI user_id=WEBSERVER
“database a” {590}
Subject Exact Search searchdata1=Health+key search_type=exact&S_ICON^SU^SUBJECT^SUBJECTS^^subject=subject sort_by=TI format=DB user_id=WEBSERVER
“Health (key)”
Link to Individual Database
Thank You GCU [Library Catalogue] [Database A-Z] SirsiDynix SirsiDynix Symphony Command and Data Codes SirsiDynix Symphony e-Library Custom Web Development Workflows Help Us |