WHOLESOME DRINKING WATER FOR RURAL AREAS IN FIJI, A CONTRIBUTOR TO Sustainable development Name: Lote Rusaqoli Lakolako Professor: Norufumi Hotta Master in Environmental Science [M1] School: Life & Environmental Science University of Tsukuba
Presentation layout INTRODUCTION MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOAL Statistics Case scenario Challenges Opportunities benefits
introduction Water is at the core of sustainable development and is critical for socio- economic development, healthy ecosystems and for human survival itself. (United Nations Department of Economic & Social Affairs, 2015)
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) The MDGS, agreed in 2000, aim to halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation between 1990 and 2015. A total of 748 million people still do not have access to an improved drinking water source. Goal 3 ・gender equality by empowering women.
FIJI’S STATISTICS / BACKGROUND information's Locality FIJI IN THE PACIFIC Population : Estimated to be 865,611 as at the end of 2014. Fiji Bureau of Statistics 2017 Land mass: 18,270 sq. km. 332 islands ,110 islands of which are inhabited. Economy: Sugar export and tourism industry. www.un.org/esa/agenda21/natlinfo/countr/fiji/land.pdf Language: English (Official) We produce the first news paper in the world every day………
CASE SCENARIO – CIKOBIA ISLAND The island is located approximately 134 kilometers from mainland. Access to education and health services The sea and copra are the two main source of income Consists of four (4) village’s Intact with tradition and culture
CHALLENGES Inadequate supply of water for drinking and domestic purposes
Challenges continued Island in isolation Impacts of global warming (Sea level rise etc…) Protection of traditional knowledge Early migration of population Accessibility to services (trading etc…) Economic opportunities are not maximized Financial capabilities for water project implementation
Opportunities Availability of natural resources Communities are intact with tradition
benefits of Improving Rural Water Supply Reducing of early migration Protects human health Maximizing opportunities in rural communities Allows the protection of culture and tradition