MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR APPOINTMENT An average GP appointment is 10 minutes. If you feel you have many things to discuss please ask for a ‘double appointment’. Things to consider when making your Appointment Is your issue urgent? Do you need to see a specific GP? Is it important you are seen quickly or would you rather wait for an appointment with a particular GP? If you have a long-term illness would you benefit from seeing a GP who knows your history personally? Take notes to help you Before you see your GP, be clear in your own mind what you want to say. Make a note of your symptoms, worries and any questions that you would like to ask.
MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR APPOINTMENT cont’ Take a list of your medicines – prescribed or otherwise (herbal, vitamins etc as these may affect the way your medication works) Bring a list of any medication you are taking, including over-the-counter and/or alternative medicines, or anything prescribed after a hospital visit. This includes tablets, liquids or creams. Your GP needs to know about everything you are taking. Discuss important things first and stick to the point Make sure you tell the doctor about the important things first and try to get to the point. Do not feel you have to justify being there or leave your main concern to the end. Not clear on treatment plan? Ask again Make sure you fully understand the next steps before you leave the room. If you don’t, then don’t be afraid of asking your GP to go through the plan again. Ask who to contact if you have any more questions? You may think of questions that you would like to ask after your appointment. Find out who you can contact to ask questions, as well as any support groups that can provide reliable information.
MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR APPOINTMENT cont’ If you need support, take a relative, carer or friend If you feel your situation needs it, take a relative or friend for support. They can help you understand or explain. Unhappy? Ask to see another GP If you’re not happy, you can ask to see another GP in the practice. You can also change GP practices, but you should as a first step always discuss your concerns with a practice staff member first. Could the practice nurse deal with your problem? In many cases, a practice nurse could deal with your concern, so consider this as an alternative to making an appointment with a GP. The surgery may also run special clinics such as asthma and diabetes, so make sure you find out.
Checklist of questions to ask at your appointment Tests, such as blood tests or scans What are the tests for? How and when will I get the results? You will only hear form the Practice if there is a problem with your results. Who do I contact if I don’t get the results? You can contact Reception after 2pm for your results. Treatment Are there other ways to treat my condition? What do you recommend? Are there any side effects or risks? If so, what are they? How long will I need treatment for? How will I know if the treatment is working? What will happen if I don’t have any treatment? Is there anything I should stop or avoid doing? Is there anything I can do to help myself?
Checklist of questions to ask at your appointment cont’ What next Checklist of questions to ask at your appointment cont’ What next What happens next? Do I need to come back and see you? If so, when? Who do I contact if things get worse? Do you have any written information? Where can I go for more information? Is there a support group or any other source of help?
Top tips for your Appointment Before your appointment Write down your two or three most important questions. List or bring all your medicines and pills – including vitamins and supplements. Write down details of your symptoms, including when they started and what makes them better or worse. Ask your hospital or surgery for an interpreter or communication support if needed. Ask a friend or family member to come with you, if you like. During your appointment Don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t understand. For example, ‘Can you say that again? I still don’t understand.’? If you don’t understand any words, ask for them to be written down and explained. Write things down, or ask a family member or friend to take notes.
Before you leave your appointment Check: You’ve covered everything on your list You understand, for example ‘Can I just check I understood what you said?’ You know what should happen next – and when. Write it down. Ask: Who to contact if you have any more problems or questions About support groups and where to go for reliable information For copies of letters written about you – you are entitled to see these. After your appointment, don't forget the following Write down what you discussed and what happens next. Keep your notes. Book any tests that you can and put the dates in your diary. ‘What happens if I’m not sent my appointment details?’ ‘Can I have the results of any tests?’ If you don’t get the results when you expect – ask for them. Ask what the results mean