Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown. Newsletter Reception Class 10th February 2017 Literacy This week we have been learning to write postcards and lists. We have also been writing lists in the role play corner about the different animals we would see in the Arctic. In our guided reading we have been learning how to identify and read different digraphs and trigraph sounds in words. We have also been learning to sequence a story from beginning and end. It has been science week throughout the whole school and the children have had a fantastic time and have learnt lots. The children especially enjoyed the science fair on Wednesday afternoon and the Professor Brainstorm show on Friday. As a class we also enjoyed learning about recycling. We made a massive igloo out of milk bottles. Next half-term we will be continuing learning about the Arctic and then the jungle. Phonics This week we have learnt the following Phase 3 sounds; ar and oi. Over the duration of next week please can you complete these sounds in your child’s sound book. Maths This week we have been learning about the months of the year and we have been learning the different times of day such as morning, afternoon, evening and night. After half term we will be learning how to read the time. We will be learning to read o’clock times. Notices . Homework: Please can you all try to read everyday and refresh all the sounds in your sound books. There is no homework in your Learning Together books for this half-term Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.