Curriculum Night Mrs. Beall and Mrs. Donat
Agenda Math and Social studies curriculum and expectations ELA and Science curriculum and expectations Behavior and rewards Grade book Camp Surf
Math Focus is on small group collaboration….. Math talk Mathematical practices….. Camera ready work Getting your child to think deeply with use of multiple strategies (common core and “old school”) TenMarks/MobyMax Problem solving and productive struggle
Social Studies Ancient civilizations and how they attributed to today’s society Collaborative work Notes Projects/research Going back into text is encouraged RACER CNN Student News Renaissance Fair in February
ELA Story Elements Characterization Going back into text Context clues RACE Vocabulary Writing structure and purposes Literature Circles
Science Hands-on projects Life science Weather and water Technology Science fair and the scientific method
Behavior and rewards Our behavior plan changes as the kids needs change We believe in positive rewards for positive behavior We believe in appropriate consequences when negative behavior occurs… this is all on a case by case scenario
Power School Student responsibility Check regularly All assignments are described and detailed for student reference All assignments will receive a zero and a comment or missing symbol until handed in Failing grades will have comments when appropriate
Camp Surf ../Downloads/CAMP%20SURF%20(1).pptx