Spotlight on South Row December 1st, 2015
Academic Lively Letters program Three genres of writing Science Pilots Inspire / FOSS
Academic Con’t Math / Reading Interventionist – Title I Student Study Team Updated Standards Based Report Cards Use of second computer lab
Social Emotional Curriculum Second Step Guidance lessons in classrooms Zones of Regulation Social skills group – Co taught by the SLP and Psych K – Flexible You Program Social thinker / social problem solver
PRIDE Books / Grade Level Meetings PRIDE tickets / School rewards Matrix of Expected Behaviors Kind Acts at South Row Buddy Bench Kindness Challenge last year
Parent Engagement School Council School Improvement Plan work Surveys Thoughtful discussions Cross section of parents, teachers and community Parent Discussion Nights Executive Functioning, Grit, The Big Disconnect Science Fair
Parent Engagement Parent Teacher Organization Providing Enrichment Ice Cream Social Pumpkin Fair Book Fair / Game Night Ziti Supper Movie Nights Teacher Appreciation International Festival** Providing Enrichment Technology enrichment
Enrichment at South Row Three programs per grade Three- four all school enrichment Author’s Day Engineering Day
Facility Work Over the last three years: All rooms, hallways, common spaces have been painted. Landscaping has been cleaned up / schedule for maintenance created Cleaned out old furniture, clutter, storage units Updated student artwork around the building Conference room added Second computer lab added New furniture in teachers’ cafe
Other Staff vision Parent support Overall School Culture… there are just some things you “feel” when you walk into a school