“Don’t make me read, make me understand “ www.makemegenius.com– Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “
Bird Shapes
Birds With A Crest Cardinal Cedar waxwing
Woodpecker Key characteristics: Chisel shaped beak Feet – 2 toes in front, 2 toes in back Stiff tail feathers balance against tree
Doves Key characteristics: Pigeon (Rock dove) Small heads Plump body Long tail in shape of folded fan Mourning dove
Wren Key characteristics: Small body Upturned tail Small, thin beak
Ducks Key characteristics: Mallard Broad, flat beak Float on surface of water Slightly S-shaped when walking or floating
Swallow Key characteristics: Long, pointed, bent wings Short bills Swooping flight V-shaped tail
Bird Colors
Red Birds Cardinal House finch
Blue Birds Blue jay Bluebird
Grey Birds Catbird . Tufted titmouse
Yellow Birds Goldfinch Warbler .
Brown and Tan Birds Mourning doves Wood thrush
Black Birds Starling Grackle
Black-capped Chickadee
Flicker Black mustache Spotted jacket
White throated Sparrow White throat patch Yellow spot between eye and beak
Canada Geese White chin strap
Red/brown patch behind eye House Sparrow Red/brown patch behind eye Grey head Black throat White cheeks
Bird Beaks Golden eagle
Spears Heron Kingfisher
Hooks Bald eagle
Seed and Nut Crackers Cardinal Sparrow Finch
Straw and Tweezers Hummingbird Robin
Thanks Submitted by Manshi Mandowara DPS, Indore
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“Don’t make me read, make me understand “ www.makemegenius.com– Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “