Michael Guthrie, Director of Policy and Standards PSA research conference, 11 March 2016 Using poor outcomes to achieve improved outcomes: learning from fitness to practise cases Title slide instructions
Fitness to practise Average of around 60% of expenditure (PSA 2012). Increasing volumes in some professions. Outcomes / experience considered to be unsatisfactory. Learning and use of that learning (PSA Standards for good regulation). Systematic analysis, particularly at high volume.
The challenges of prevention Rethinking regulation (PSA 2015). Insights into the behavioural impact of regulation (e.g. Quick 2011; McGivern et al 2015). A limited (and prescribed) toolkit. ‘Reaction and sanction’ / process led approaches → ‘Softer’ regulatory interventions (Sparrow 2008). Measurement; delivery at scale; accountability? Harnessing the system to drive engagement.
Paramedics and social workers in England Profession / year % of total cases Number of registrants % of register Paramedics 2014-15 10.65 21,185 6.40 2013-14 12.86 20,097 6.24 Social workers in England 57.65 88,397 26.72 52.45 88,946 27.63
Planned research Literature review Interviews / focus groups / surveys Case review Deliberative methodology Empirical evidence to support our assumptions Advice on future methodologies – future work in house? A basis for joint working
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