Ribbon groups used in this chapter Sort & Filter group on the Data ribbon. Charts group on the Insert ribbon.
Charts relating to the number of birds in England Project Charts relating to the number of birds in England Charts are a good way of presenting information in a way that is easy to grasp immediately.
Task Open a new workbook. Type the headings and the names of the birds in the survey as shown on your sheet. Position the pointer between the column headers A and B. Drag to the right to widen column A so it fully contains the names of the birds. Click row header 1. Hold down the Ctrl key and select row headers 4 and 15 and make them Bold. Click cell A15 and make it Italic. Enter the data from the table on your sheet. Save your work with the filename Birds. Your worksheet should look like this:
Sorting data It would be neater if the birds were sorted into alphabetical order. Select cells A5 to C13. Click the Sort A to Z button in the Sort & Filter group on the Data ribbon. The rows are sorted in bird alphabetical order. Deselect the cells by clicking anywhere on the worksheet. Tip: you can also sort in descending alphabetical order (Z to A) in the same way.
Drawing a bar chart You are now going to draw a vertical bar chart to show this data. Excel calls this type of chart a Column chart. Click A4 and drag diagonally through to C13. Click the Column button in the Charts group on the Insert ribbon to display a gallery of options. Click the Clustered Column option in the 2-D Column group (the first option).
Adding a chart title Make sure the chart is selected. When you do this, the Chart Tools Layout ribbon appears. Click the Layout tab. Click the Chart title button in the Labels group and chose Above Chart from the menu. Enter the title UK bird populations (2002 and 2006)
Moving, sizing and deleting a chart Click the edge of the chart and move it so that the data can be seen. Hold the Shift key when re-sizing so that it doesn’t distort.
Moving a chart to another sheet By clicking the move chart button, you can change its location.
Task See if you can identify parts of the chart called Chart Area, Plot Area, Horizontal (Category) Axis, Vertical (Value) Axis, Series “2002”..., Series “2006”... Tip: move the pointer and you will notice a tool tip which tells you the different parts of the chart.
Starter Chart title Horizontal (Category) axis Plot area Series “2002”... Chart area Legend Vertical (Value) axis Series “2006”...
Horizontal (Category) axis Chart title Series “2006”... Chart area Vertical (Value) axis Series “2002”... Legend Plot area Horizontal (Category) axis
Adding axis titles Select the chart. Click the Chart Tools Layout ribbon tab. Click the Axis Titles button in the Labels group. Choose Primary Vertical Axis from the menu that appears, then choose Rotated Title from the sub-menu. Change the text to Millions.
Formatting Right-click the y-axis label to display the formatting toolbar. You can use these buttons to change the font size, text colour and other attributes.
Changing colours Background colour: Right-click the plot area. Choose Format Plot Area. Choose a suitable colour.
Changing colours Data series: Right-click the data series. Choose Format Data Series. You can reset the colour by clicking on the Fill option.
Creating a pie chart With the Birds workbook open, enter the following data onto Sheet 2:
Select cells A4 to B13. Click the Pie button in the Charts group on the Insert ribbon (could be referred to as the Chart Wizard). Click the 2-D Pie option. Add the title Garden Birds in England 2007.
Adding labels With the chart selected, click anywhere in the circle. Right-click and select Add Data Labels... Right-click the circle again and select Format Data Labels... Select Label Options Deselect Value and Show Leader Lines and select Category Name and Percentage. You can now delete the Legend. Save your work.
Your chart should look something like this:
Changing the chart type You can easily change the chart type, even after you have created it. Right-click the Chart Area and select Change Chart Type. This should appear: All you need to do is select another type of chart. Change it to a Line chart with markers. Does the data make sense in the chart you have chosen?
A line chart isn’t the best way to display this data. Change it to a column chart and delete the labels.
Start\Computer\Student Public\ICT\ecdl\Year 11 MH\CASH FLOW EXAMPLE Exercise 4 Complete exercise 4 which was started at the end of last lesson. Complete the progress checklist (5) Locate and complete additional spreadsheet task which can be found in: Start\Computer\Student Public\ICT\ecdl\Year 11 MH\CASH FLOW EXAMPLE
Name: Date: Progress checklist 5 Can I sort spreadsheet data in ascending/descending order? Can I create different types of chart from spreadsheet data? Can I move and resize a chart? Can I add and delete a chart title? Can I change how a chart is formatted, e.g. Background colour, column colour? Can I change one type of chart into another?