US Mobilizes for Defense How do all Americans help with the war effort?
War Powers Act • authority to President to conduct the war effort more alphabet agencies to manage homefront Selective Service System drafts 10 mill. (need to fight two wars) Women in the War Effort 1942: Gen. George Marshall forms the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC), women can volunteer for non-combat positions Jobs include clerical, drivers and pilots 1943: WAC will get full army benefits (“A”uxillary part dropped)
New Factory Workers Factories cease normal production begin producing war-related products: planes, tanks, ships, jeeps, shells & uniforms 18 million new workers in war industries, incl. 6 mill women 2 million Af-Am workers enlisted but many in “menial” jobs
African Americans Help the War US Army Air Corps enlists Afr Am for the 1st time, but units are segregated Tuskegee Airmen (332nd Air Squad) trained at Tuskegee Army Air Field in Alabama Faced discrimination but many victories against the Germans
Economic Controls 1) Office of Price Administration: fought inflation freezing wages, prices and rents, rationed food 2) War Production Board: rationed fuel, rubber, metal and plastic 3) Revenue Act: raised taxes on wealthy to 88%, middle/low income now pay income tax, Treasury Dept issued war bonds 4) Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act: Limited rights of unions to strike, allowed President to takeover striking plants
Pop Culture Helps the Effort 1940s Pop Culture centers around the war effort Hollywood begins making propaganda film to support Many films glorified the US allies, made enemies seem evil
Japanese Americans Serve Their Nation Despite discrimination, 1,300 Japanese Americans served in Italy and N. Africa 442nd Regimental Combat Team (Purple Heart Battalion) earned more than 18K individual decorations (most in WWII)
Mexican-Americans in WW II Navajo Code Talkers Navajo Indians were in every US Marines Pacific War assault mission from 1942 to 1945 Based on their language, developed secret code that was transmitted to combat units Mexican-Americans in WW II Mexican-Americans not officially segregated but often were 141st Regiment in Europe & 153rd in Pacific were highly regarded