Delegate responsibilities Attendance Taking a student Assignment [optional] Accreditation
Ace/Apple Learning Outcomes Describe the role and identify the attributes of an effective practice placement educator Apply learning theories that are appropriate for adult and professional learners Plan, implement and facilitate learning in the practice placement setting Apply sound principles and judgement in the assessment of performance in the practice placement setting Evaluate the learning experience Reflect on experience and formulate action plans to improve future practice
Practice Placement Education What is practice education? Practice placement education is the lived experience where students learn and absorb the qualities of professional practice, namely the skills, knowledge, attitudes and judgements which lead to a competent practitioner
Practice placement education: student benefits To develop the competencies of a qualified practitioner (Health and Care Professions Council; Standards of Proficiency) To integrate theory into practice, and to use practice to inform theory To experience and acquire professional socialisation To undertake a range and breadth of practice experiences To successfully achieve the required hours/ sessions of assessed practice education To progress practice knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgements ensuring safe and professional performance at all times
Pre-registration programmes: course overview Independent, self-directed learners Inter-professional nature of the programmes Lifelong learners Reflective practice Evidence based practice
Practice educators and mentors website:
Placement Team at UEA Practice Education Director: Jill Jepson Placement Administration Sally Barber Julie Reynolds Ros Swetman Jo Donnelly Practice Education Coordinators Occupational Therapy: Jane Hibberd Physiotherapy: Katie Postle / Nicola Hancock Speech & Language Therapy: Neil Coull Practice Education Facilitators
Who are Practice Education Facilitators? A team of registered healthcare professionals line managed by their workforce partnership to support education in practice Working with the local higher education institute (HEI) and local placement providers Multiprofessional
Key responsibilities of PEFs Support practice educators / mentors in practice placement settings Facilitate the maintenance and improvement of the quality of practice based learning environments Develop practice placement capacity and capability Improve communication between placement providers, the HEI and the local education training board
Exercise: Describe the role and identify the attributes of the effective practice educator