HISTORY Local Dental Committees in England and Wales were established in 1948 at the inception of the NHS. Established in statute under Section 45b of the 1977 NHS Act as modified by the 1999 Health Act. included in the NHS Act 2006. Health and Social Care Act 2012: 152 PCTs replaced by 211 CCGs NHS England 13 sub-regions of 4 regions There are 110 LDCs in the UK (96 E&W).
PURPOSE NHS England nationally, regionally and locally recognise and consult with LDCs on matters of local and regional dental interest and following the NHS reforms in 2006 they also consult on local commissioning and the developments surrounding the provision of NHS dental services. Health Authorities engage with the LDC
CONSTITUTION The LDCs have a Constitution which is based on a nationally agreed BDA/DOH model constitution which determines the membership, purpose and structure of the committee. This constitution is endorsed by the relevant NHSE sub-region that is coterminus with the LDC constituency borders and thereby accepted as one of the local representative committees. Elections are held every two years with the option to co-opt extra non voting members.
STRUCTURE LDCs have a number of executive officers: 1. Chairman 2. Vice Chairman 3. Treasurer 4. Secretary Other members of the committee may have specific roles: 5. Cross representatives 6. Media representatives
PERSONNEL The day to day running of the LDC Executive is supported by the following: Secretary, Administrator, Lay Secretary PA Minute Secretary Website Manager with external website maintenance/management support NHSE (Wessex) staff – Communication & Finance Administrative support to the Treasurer
FINANCE The LDC activity is financed through two funding streams: The Statutory Levy This is collected through the NHSE/POL/ BSA as a percentage of the Total GDS contract value. The Voluntary Levy This is usually collected through an agreed direct SO arrangement. This can be an agreed set or variable arrangement (PDS/POL)
HAMPSHIRE & IOW LDC Historical and Present Day Originally 4 smaller LDCs that finally merged in June 2007. It remains the largest LDC in the UK and also matches the largest LMC in England It represents around 840 (performers) dentists and 298 contractors (providers) We have capacity for 24 voting members We are registered with the IC
WEBSITE H&IOW LDC has its own website: This new website receives contains up to date information and links to other relevant sites The Secretary can be contacted on: Emily Percival is the Web Manager
MEETINGS H&IOW LDC holds six evening meetings a year (plus the AGM) Guest speakers are invited to most meetings to give Short Topical Presentations Representative reports from: Deanery (HEE), CDPH (PHE), Other LRCs, UOPDA, Wessex LDN, PCOs, GDPC, Other, LDC Executives, DPAs, Regional Advisors (DFT), Media, NHS England, Salaried Services, DOH, LDC Officials’ Day, Annual Conference of LDCs
EXTERNAL MEETINGS What do we do for our constituents? We spend in excess of 2,000 hours per annum attending and holding official meetings, panels, groups, events, giving advice, support and generally running the committee. We travel in excess of 8,000 miles per annum We liaise with PCOs, Deanery, Salaried Services, BDA Branch & Sections, FGDP, GDPC other representative groups, City Councils, H&WBBs (HOSP), Healthwatch and other LDCs and LRCs
CONSTITUENT ADVICE Individual/Group practitioner advice and support (not managed negotiation): Contractual – NHS Regulations, NHSE/GDP disputes. Governance related – HTM01-05, Audit etc Regulatory – CQC, GDC, N Performer List Employment – Safeguarding & IG The LDC is very aware of Equality, Diversity and Conflicts of Interest elements within its role.
PROCUREMENT The LDC advises on: LDN (part of the Local Professional Network) Identifying service need/demand (Practice Sales) Social Marketing / Communication Task and Finish Groups Types of contract – PDS+ (KPIs), PDS/GDS Short/Long term implications for Contractors Service development opportunity Recurring and Non-recurring activity
PATIENTS We protect and support patients by giving up to date clinical and professional input to: The local and regional Consultants in Dental Public Health & Service Evaluation Consultants Performance, contractual and governance related panels and committees –PLDPs, PAGs, CRPs & Oral Hearings Service developments and attendant criteria/protocols – MOS/IMOS, Orthodontics, IFR referrals Social Marketing/media – radio & TV
DONATIONS H&IOW LDC regularly sends donations that are agreed at the AGM and funded through the Voluntary Levy to support national political representation and GDPs who are no longer able to work through ill health: The British Dental Guild BDA Benevolent Fund The Dentists Health Support Programme
REPRESENTATION LDCs fund regional representation on the GENERAL DENTAL PRACTICE COMMITTEE. GDPC is a committee of the BDA and represents all GDPs whether they are in NHS, MIXED OR PRIVATE PRACTICE. This committee undertakes advisory and negotiating responsibilities with the DOH and reports to the BDA PEC and inputs to the BDA Councils.
GDPC The GDPC main body meets three times a year to receive reports from its many executive led committees: Cross Representatives include the FGDP, LDC Conference and BMA (GPC) who attend with a vice versa arrangement of engagement. Regional LDC/GDPC Liaison Group Meetings Young Dentists and many other Committees and Groups are represented. Four Managers are elected from GDPC to the British Dental Guild for a 4 year term of office
DEVELOPMENTAL SUPPORT Currently Advisory –GDC, CQC, IG, Clinical Governance, Appraisal, WISDOM, Coach/ Mentoring, Mentoring and Performers List Validation by Experience (PLVE) LDN and Mental Health training Task and Finish Groups/MCNs 111 Contract Reform Future Revalidation
POLITICAL ACTIVITY LOCAL NHS DENTAL SERVICE CONCERNS are conveyed to National and Local Government Representatives, Media, CDO and MPs by: Motions to the Annual Conference of LDCs GDPC Representation LDC Officials’ Day BDA contact National/Local Lobbying & Consultation activities & responses eg Water Fluoridation
UNPRECEDENTED CHANGE WHITE PAPER July 2010 – Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS Health and Social Care Bill/ Act 2011/12 Demise of PCTs & SHAs April 2013 NHS England and Sub –regional offices New stakeholders: H&WBBs, Clinical Senates, LPNs, CCGs, PHE, HEE (LETB) etc
IMMEDIATE FUTURE NHS Commissioning & Contracting changes LPNs/National Commissioning/Care Pathways Contract Reform – implementation 2018/19? GDC Future Strategy - upstream BSA Data – quality assurance/DAF Service Procurement – Orthodontics 2018 Greater LDN clinical input PASS resurrection and redevelopment Regional PAGs/PLDPs
DENTAL CONTRACT REFORM PROTOTYPES TWO types of Prototype based on combinations of: Registration Capitation Activity Quality?
CRYSTAL BALL Co-Commissioning,5 Year Forward View, STPs Demise of Individual Dental Practice Units Practice Federations/Multi-speciality treatment centres Shorter Career Pathways/apprenticeship route More Imposed Regulatory Compliance Federations of Local Representative Committees Loss of practitioner support eg OH Little or no increased National/Local Investment
RISKS Increased Management By Commissioners Loss of PDS Agreements due to larger procurement lots Failure to Engage with constituents and patients Locally & Nationally Reduced Representation Locally and Nationally Reduced Positive Public Profile Reduced Financial Reward and Job Satisfaction Reduced Pension - award/timing Short Term Time Limited Contracts BREXIT - workforce
FINAL THOUGHTS The Future of the Profession of Dentistry needs: Representation, Involvement and Engagement Image/Profile – valued and respected by Patients High Quality Professional Ethics and Standards Reflective Professional Approach Patients at the centre of everything that we do.