School center Škofja Loka Slovenia Podlubnik 1b 4220 Škofja Loka SLOVENIA Tel.: +386 (0)4 506 23 00 Fax.: +386 (0)4 506 23 18
SCHOOL CENTRE ŠKOFJA LOKA School Centre Škofja Loka is situated in the Gorenjska region – the north westrn part of Slovenia. This year our School Centre is celebrating its 120th anniversary of its foundation. Within the centre, there are three independent schools, which educate and train both students and adults in various techical fields and to various professional levels.
THE CENTRE HAS FOUR ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS: Secondary vocational and technical school of mechanical engineering Secondary vocational and technical school of wood engineering Higher school of mechanical engineering Inter-company education centre
SECONDARY SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING two-year lower vocational course for: - an assistant in technological processes three-year secondary vocational courses for: - a toolmaker, a machinist, a plumber, a car mechanic, a car body maker and a driver two-year vocational-technical education course for: - mechanical technicians and auto-service technicians four-year technical course for: - mechanical technicians
SECONDARY SCHOOL OF WOOD ENGINEERING two-year lower vocational course for: - an assistant in technological processes three-year secondary vocational course for: - a joiner and an upholsterer two-year vocational-technical education course for: - wood technicians four-year technical courses for: wood technicians and environmental technicians
HIGHER SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Founded in 2004, was an organizational unit of School for Mechanical Engineering Škofja Loka. The school successfully accomplishes its goals of educational programmes for mechanical engineering by providing students modern and current knowledge and therefore it creates good atmosphere among professors and students In the year 2009/2010 the school invites applications for: - 70 places for regular students - 70 places for open school students
INTER-COMPANY EDUCATION CENTRE (IEC) WOULD: perform practical training for apprentices, secondary school students and college students. perform practical training for adults. manage and introduce modern technologies to trade and companies. optimally integrate modern technologies of practical training and technical-theoretical education at all levels of technical education in the region.
progress economic events in the region. motivate primary school students for vocational education. contribute highly skilled workers at the inter- nationally comparable level for the needs of the industry and trade. To the project we would like to contribute a good practice of school – industry co-operation and we would like to find new ways of co-operation.
GOALS School Centre Škofja Loka wants to be a successful and modern educational organization. With the co-operation with the companies from the entire region School Centre strives for continuous development and its growth. With professional work, kind professors and non-teaching staff, as well as with modern methods of teaching the Centre wants to achieve high level of educational services and satisfaction of its students. With the development of democratic interpersonal relations the Centre will contribute to higher personal development of teachers and students as firm and self- confident persons, who will be able to cope with new challenges in the future.