Tim Wilkins Helsinki 7th March 2006 tim.wilkins@intertanko.com Consideration of the HELCOM Thematic Assessment Report on Maritime Transport Tim Wilkins Helsinki 7th March 2006 tim.wilkins@intertanko.com
International Associaion of Independant Tanker Owners 1. INTERTANKO International Associaion of Independant Tanker Owners For Safe Transport, Cleaner Seas and Free Competition 255 Members 40 countries 2,380 tankers 70% of independent fleet 192 million dwt 280 Associate Members Lead the continuous improvement of the Tanker Industry’s performance in striving to achieve the goals of: Zero fatalities Zero pollution Zero detentions
2. INTERTANKO and the Baltic Sea Region Tankers and the Baltic Sea Region High activity in export from the region since 2000 Slower expansion in the region’s oil export Safety record very good, trade served by modern tonnage
2. INTERTANKO and the Baltic Sea Region Tankers and the Baltic Sea Region High activity in export from the region since 2000 Slower expansion in the region’s oil export Safety record very good, trade served by modern tonnage
2. INTERTANKO and the Baltic Sea Region Regional oil export mbd Source: US EIA
2. INTERTANKO and the Baltic Sea Region Tankers and the Baltic Sea Region High activity in export from the region since 2000 Slower expansion in the region’s oil export Safety record very good, trade served by modern tonnage
2. INTERTANKO and the Baltic Sea Region Tanker incidents - World wide and Baltic related
2. INTERTANKO and the Baltic Sea Region Tanker trade by hull - tankers above 50,000 dwt Baltic Sea % Black Sea % Source: Fearnleys
Thematic Strategy Four main areas: 3. Thematic Strategy Safety of Navigation and Response to accidents Ship generated Waste Air Emissions (Pollution) Invasive Species in Ballast Water
1. Safety of Navigation and Response to accidents Goals Indicators 3. Thematic Strategy 1. Safety of Navigation and Response to accidents Goals Support objectives to improve navigational safety Indicators Qualitative aspects should be included alongside quantitative: Ship type unclear: ferry, tanker, fishing vessel, leisure craft etc. Pollution size/type: oil, chemical, edible oil etc. Accident cause unclear: route cause for grounding, collisions etc.
1. Safety of Navigation and Response to accidents Actions - Navigation 3. Thematic Strategy 1. Safety of Navigation and Response to accidents Actions - Navigation In general INTERTANKO would support the navigational actions proposed Safe and clear waterways important, so in support of positive progress in hydrographic activities in Gulf of Finland Support recommendation on focus upon human element and pilotage INTERTANKO/INTERCARGO/BIMCO/ICS and Danish Maritime Authority Joint Pilotage Working Group (Danish Straits)
1. Safety of Navigation and Response to accidents 3. Thematic Strategy 1. Safety of Navigation and Response to accidents Actions – Response to Accidents Support continued assessment of Coordination and Management within the region in the event of an accident/spill Promote continued and immediate investigation into the harmonised use and designation of Places of Refuge
3. Thematic Strategy 2. Ship Generated Waste Goals Indicators Goal should be zero discharges not ‘negligible’ discharge Indicators Recent incidents not encouraging – although majority extremely small (508 0-1m3) So detail (qualitative) of incidents desperately needed to provide clear picture of incidents and cause, e.g. ship type
3. Thematic Strategy 2. Ship Generated Waste Actions – Port Reception Facilities (PRF) Definition of adequacy poorly defined and used Adequacy and Availability need to be distinguished INTERTANKO propose: Further study into causes and sources of discharges: reasons for need to discharge Development of user group for further investigation of the effectiveness (ship/shore interface) of the Baltic Strategy in relation to PRF Oil/chemical terminal operator involvement Periodic assessment of facilities by independent body Harmonised system across Baltic to Europe and Internationally (no-special fee, compulsory discharge criteria etc.)
3. Invasive Species in Ballast Water 3. Thematic Strategy 3. Invasive Species in Ballast Water Goals Zero invasions: but also promote risk reduction Indicators Support monitoring of problem Quantity of ballast discharged, source of ballast, number of new invasions Action Support assessment, ratification and implementation of the IMO Convention by Baltic States Maldives, Nigeria, St Kitts and Nevis, Spain, Tuvalu (5) Uniform implementation of any future ballast management requirements across the region
3. Thematic Strategy 4. Air Emissions Goals Indicators Support reduction in shipping based air emissions but taking into account international nature of the problem Indicators Fuel supplies (quality) and suppliers (certified) monitored Baseline data to be updated: ENTEC Study did not take into account Annex VI implementation, e.g. NOx figures Sulphur in Fuel Directive should be taken into account (0.2% in gas and diesel oils) Imposed restrictions on user and not supplier (bunker deliveries) Use of 0.1% at berth Availability still an issue to be fully addressed
3. Thematic Strategy 4. Air Emissions Action Support further implementation of emissions reduction measures through IMO Full consideration of implications of regional air emission initiatives technical and safety problems for the vessels Economic incentives: Remain open-minded on international shipping Fuel quality still remains the risk for customers – suppliers should be assessed
4. Conclusions and Comments Future Considerations Recognition of responsibility and cooperation required in maritime transportation User groups essential: ports, terminals, pilots, equipment manufacturers, ship operators, charterers, all ship-type operators, service providers, insurers, regulators, fuel suppliers, salvors, spill response, tug operators, coastal states, flag states, class etc. We welcome continued consultation and cooperation with tanker industry
…thank you