“With Jesus we learn together through faith and love.” Parents’ Meeting Wednesday 23rd September 2016
Prayer Life In class Assemblies School Masses Acts of worship
Reading It is important that the children have a wide range of story knowledge to help broaden their vocabulary It is important that you read with your child everyday. It is also important to discuss the books read to help with children’s understanding
Library Day (Thursday) In Lower Early Years in the Autumn/Spring term children can choose a book from a wide range in the classroom. this will be changed on a weekly basis if the reading record is signed. In the summer term the children moving to Upper Early Years will be given a picture book that has small sound activities for you to do with your child. Please encourage your child to use the pictures to make up and create their own stories, as well as saying the sound.
The Curriculum Areas of learning Your child will mostly be taught through games and play. The areas of learning are: communication and language physical development personal, social and emotional development literacy mathematics understanding the world expressive arts and design
Sounds in Lower Early Years Children will be taught one sound a week to begin with then two sounds a week. The sounds will be sent home a week in advance so that you can help your child prepare. We follow the ‘Read Write Inc.’ programme in school. If you would like help with the pronunciation the sounds please go to the link below: http://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/resources/sound-pronunciation-guide/
E-safety The teaching of E-Safety and Cyberbullying is taught in class. Every year we hold an annual Friendship/E-Safety Week to promote a sensible use of the latest technology. This includes pupil assemblies, workshops for parents and staff training. We have various policies in place to protect staff and children. A copy of the E-safety policy can be found on the school website.
Homework Children will be given a weekly ‘talk homework’ Children are invited to record evidence of discussions in their book The aim of the ‘talk homework’ is to promote children’s language and comprehension
Drop off and Pick up In the morning please may we ask that Lower Early Years line up with their parents in front of the door. Upper Early Years are to line up with their parents along the wall. When picking your child up, please can LEYs parents line up in front of the door and UEYs parents line up against the wall. Please remember to complete the form (which can be found in your induction pack) with the list of names of people who are permitted to pick up your child. Please be reminded that if you unable to pick your child up and another person will be (other than those you have listed) you must inform the school office, ideally before 2pm.
Behaviour Traffic light silent warning 5 mins missed 10 mins missed For more serious cases the child will be sent to the foundation stage manager, the headteacher or deputy headteacher’s office.
Reward systems Children will be rewarded with stickers for following the rules and good work in the classroom. For exceptional work/behaviour they will be sent to member of the senior management team to recieve a reward. A star of the week will be appointed at a weekly rewards assembly.
Uniform Children must wear a clearly labelled uniform everyday (please refer to the school website). Children must not wear shoes with shoe laces due to health and safety reasons.
Meeting teachers Please may we ask that if you wish to inform the teacher about an issue or raise a concern, that this it is written in your child’s link book If you wish to make an appointment with your teacher, please make this known within the link book, as unfortunately it is hard to address concerns at the school door when welcoming the children in to school. Letters should be returned via your child’s book bag.
Website http://www.st-marys.hillingdon.sch.uk/ This power point will be available on the school website for your information.
Last of all… Thank you for coming