Learn the key rules for pronunciation in French Yr 10 hwk Learn the key rules for pronunciation in French
Choose a strategy for your group to use to memorise the pronunciation rules. Look,cover,write,check. “Say it!”/ repetition Cue cards Colour code information. Mind maps. Pictures Create a story / song with the information in it. Chant / rap the information.
On va pratiquer la pronunciation. https://www. youtube. com/watch Consonnants – same sounds as in English. Vowels – shorter then in English Last letters – not pronounced. È – eh Er/ez/et – ay Au/aux/eau/eaux – oh Th – t En/on/an – on Ë – this accent seperates out the vowels. Ce/ci – se / si Ca/co – ka / ko Ç - s Challenge – try to think of words that use these sounds and practise them in the words.