‘Why are animals in danger?’ Literacy ICT This term children will focus on traditional stories, fables, myths and legends. We will particularly focus on stories from the world’s rainforests, where our class endangered animal – the Orang-utan – lives. This term children will be continuing to learn how to present information attractively and so it is easy to read. They will use Word, Powerpoint and the internet to plan and create presentations. They will be working in groups to introduce and talk about these documents with the rest of the class. Numeracy Science We will be looking at how plants and animals adapt to their surroundings to survive. We will particularly look at the Orang-utan and other Rainforest animals and how they manage to survive. We will begin by looking at the number system, in particular place value and how decimals can help us make sense of the world around us. We will also explore number sequences and shapes, before going on to look at equivalent fractions and ordering fractions. Music R.E. Year 5 Autumn Term 1 This term, Year 5 will be getting the chance to learn to play the guitar with a teacher from the County Music Service. There will also be opportunities to sing as a class and learn to perform our class song. This term, we will be looking at Believing and Belonging. Children will explore contrasting beliefs and values, and how this influences the way people live in today’s society. PSHE Art/ D.T. Children will be thinking about new beginnings before going on to look at democracy. They will have the chance to study how local and national democracy works and how it affects the place they live in. We will be working to create pictures and models of the Orang-utan and other animals in the rainforest. Children will also be working to create flowers and other plants found in the rainforest. Humanities P.E. As part of our Learning Challenge, we will be investigating why some animals are in danger. We will look at the role of zoos in conservation, and how we can work together to help save endangered species, including our own class animal, the Orang-utan. This term the children will be developing their gymnastic abilities by looking at different aspects of movement. They will also be practising their athletics skills, such as throwing, running and jumping. Learning Challenge 1: ‘Why are animals in danger?’