PETAR & ILIJA in animal kingdom
We love diferent animals. Hi! My name is Petar. This is my friend Ilija. We love diferent animals. I like lion, but he likes iguana. These are presentation about our favorite animals. Are you redy? Enjoy!
LION Petar & Ilija IV2
LION Lion is large and very dangerouse animal. It’s kind of wild cat, like tigers.
LION It has got golden brown silk and long tail. Lion has beautiful mane on had, clever eyes, big and strong teeth.
LION They originally live in Africa and Asia. Lions are mostly found in Africa and in a small reserve in India. They can live in cool areas, very hot areas or in thick forests. Today, some of them live in zoos around the world.
LION Lions live in groups that are called prides. They love company and always walk together. Their favorite food is meat, and they never eat plants.
LION Lions hunt many animals, for example, gnus and antelopes, and eat a lot of meat.
LION Lion is king of the animals, and my favorite animal.
We love LION ! Petar & Ilija IV2
lion Lion song